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  • Real Name漂在德国
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  • Birthday1981 - 3 - 8

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My Spring Festival 2013-02-21
Without doubt, Spring Festival is the biggest festival in China. We have more than one week for holiday, most of the people come back hometown to ...
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A new street killer in Beijing 2012-12-20
Without any doubt, I am a new driver in Beijing. Some people call us Street Killer because we are not good at driving. Many new drivers will sp ...
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Buy a car (2) 2012-12-19
Many people who want to buy a car may think about which car are favorite for a very long time. They may go to 4S shop to look different car or ev ...
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The New Zealand 2012-12-18
Last month, I went to New Zealand for a conference, then I had chance to have a short visit of New Zealand, However, the journey was not so easy. ...
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Buy a car (1) 2012-11-15
    At present, every people who want to buy a car have to get a license plate by lottery system in Beijing. Some of my friends wa ...
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Soar 2012-9-29 09:58
Happy Mid-autumn Day!
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