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Buy a car (1)

902 views. 2012-11-15 14:07 |

    At present, every people who want to buy a car have to get a license plate by lottery system in Beijing. Some of my friends waited for two years for the license plate. I think that I will be in the same situation, and then my wife and I put our application in lottery system in April. To our surprise, my wife succeeds to get the license in May in our first lottery, and I have not gotten this now. However, the valid time of the license is half of one year. These years we are paying for our bank loan for the apartment, we did not save so many money for the car.

After all, buying a car is necessary in Beijing, especially for the family with a small baby. It is very convenient to take my daughter to kinder garten when raining or snowing or go to hospital in some case. Then we decided to borrow some money to buy a car.

For the car, I almost know nothing. In 2006, I got my drive license but did not drive since then. In Germany, I began to drive the rent car to visit some city with the direction of my friends on vice driver seat. I experienced many times sound horns on the street because of my un-skilled drive. At the beginning of driving, the car sometimes flameout because I release the clutch too fast. After several times training, I can drive the car in the city, village or highway. But I also need more experience, the traffic condition in Beijing is very good for drive training, so many cars are in street and many good drivers run fast in their rules.

I decided to buy an automatic gear car instead of manual gear, although automatic gear car will cost more gasoline and be a little experience.

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Reply rowland 2012-11-15 15:12
I think the way you get licence plate in beijing will quickly spread into other cities, such as shanghai, shenzhen and so on.
Reply sunnyv 2012-11-15 15:16
Every city has it's own car licensing system. In our city, the license goes to the highest bidder so only the rich can own a car. Furthermore, 100% car tax. You buy a 20,000 car, you pay extra 20,000 tax so you need 40,000.

Owning a car in Beijing can be expensive too having to buy a car, insurance and other fees. Whether to buy an automatic-gear or manual car is a tough decision because auto cars are relaxing to drive but fuel consuming and extremely expensive to repair if anything happens to the gear. Manual cars are very tiring to drive and you won't want to use the car even, therefore, both decisions are right and also wrong. Having a won licence lottery on hand makes the decision more difficult. Think carefully whether you should buy a car to avoid regret later because this is a major expenditure. I know with a baby it is hard to use public transport but that is what most people do.

Driving skill is not a problem because after few months you would master the skill of driving on Beijing roads.

Make your decision sensibly.
Reply indiangirl 2012-11-15 20:50
We always said, easy to buy one car, but takes all life to afford the daily expense, like gas, reparing fee...
Reply Xrays 2012-11-16 13:03
sunnyv: Every city has it's own car licensing system. In our city, the license goes to the highest bidder so only the rich can own a car. Furthermore, 100% ca
Thank you. You always give me good suggestion and idea. Where are you living now?
Reply sunnyv 2012-11-16 15:20
Xrays: Thank you. You always give me good suggestion and idea. Where are you living now?
Hong Kong 东方之珠....
so come here for a visit buddy. You would be glad you did.
I would invite you for a cup of coffee or Chinese tea-铁观音
at the Mountain top Peak restaurant.... so come on when you have the chance.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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