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A new street killer in Beijing

913 views. 2012-12-20 14:53

Without any doubt, I am a new driver in Beijing. Some people call us Street Killer because we are not good at driving.

Many new drivers will spend some money to ask for a professional partner. It will help new driver to be familiar the street and traffic condition in Beijing, especially it may help to get over the scared mind.

Every day, many traffic accidents are happened in China. Being careful is very important.

I read many books and watched some video about drive skill. But experience comes from practice. I have to say I became a new street killer in Beijing.

Post comment Comment (5 replies)

Reply lgityt 2012-12-20 16:59
I will be another killer in the next week if I pass the last exam for driving license.
Reply IMNONARCISSUS 2012-12-20 18:04
You are so humorous. but surely you will drive better after some time
Reply warmjaney 2012-12-21 08:31
Clam down, as you said, be careful!
Reply 3rdquarter99 2012-12-21 10:27
under such circumstance,  you can think about buying a commecial third-party liability insurance for your car,  which pays for the impossible damage caused by yours to the third-party.  By the way,  be sure not to hit third-party cars such as Roll-Royce valued at over 5 milliion yuan,  which insurance can't help so much.
Reply DioScofield 2012-12-21 14:26
Don't be nervous, practise make perfect. I got the driving license last year, but never had a chance to drive until several months ago. Although i have no car, i offer to drive if i have the chance. After many times of driving, now i have the faith to drive. But still be careful for every time of driving.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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