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living ?

792 views. 2010-5-27 10:43

      as time goes by, i found it is hard to live in the world . i have tried my best to make my life better . but that is impossible.  having worked for high school for 6 years, i can not support a house. because of my job which even influenced my experience of making a girl friend , from now then , i have not got married . reason is simple that i am not rich .  the name of my job : teacher  sounds good. from the other side , that means poor , not-promising ,hard work . when i got a notice from the local government website that they would hire more people , i tried . what was  the end? no relation, no background, that means no hope. at that moment , i felt i liked a nut, paying money to them to fucked my back. 
      so in the society, for common people , we have not choice.  we are at the bottom of the society above our head there are too many frustrations.  who get the right , who get everything . i really hate what they educatied to me . all shits .  

Post comment Comment (8 replies)

Reply sddzzqq 2010-5-27 10:56
Please , guy , please don't be so pessimistic! You are a teacher? In senior high? It is not bad. Education is more and more important for parents nowadays. By the way I am a part-time teacher.
Reply sunnyv 2010-5-27 11:57
Would it be better if you were born rich? Everything ready made for you without having to struggle for it? Life would have no meaning if everything is so easy. A garden created by yourself is much more enjoyable than a public garden. Yes, I agree it is frustrating when there are so many obstacles in your way and you can't live the life you wish. That is life dear, you have to accept it. The future in in your own hands. There is always a price to pay for change. If you are daring enough, try something new with a future for yourself, however, there is no guaranteet that you will succeed and when you fail, you could be much worse than where you are now. Being a teacher is not that bad. You have social status and does have respect of others. In addition, you are contibuting to the future of many people so you should derive satisfaction from your job. Would you be happy being a business person not knowing when your business will fail and you will fall to the bottom level? Would you be more happy if you are in management where a serious mistake could get you out of job or if a new arrived superior does not like you and you are destined to lose everything. Many jobs look rosy on the outside but once you are in it, you will realise that it is not satisfying. You are faced with the decison of whether to continue teaching or try something more promising, the choice is yours, the risk is also yours and you stand to bear the fruit or the pain.
Reply Candy.liu 2010-5-27 12:13
Obstacle is a part of life.
Reply fairy0612 2010-5-27 12:40
sunnyv: Would it be better if you were born rich? Everything ready made for you without having to struggle for it? Life would have no meaning if everything is
Good point! IMPRESSIVE!
Reply touringchina 2010-5-27 15:06
you are thinking too much,just be content is ok
Reply luckylove 2010-6-2 13:10
That is real life!Though fact is cruel,you must adapt !One's success
depends on personal factors and opportunity。Don’t be so depressed。
Reply butterfire 2010-6-24 08:27
come on pls,everything will be ok !
sunnyv 's view make sense.
Reply iande 2010-6-28 21:36
It may sound platitude,while it's true, GOD HELPS THOSE WHO HELP THEMSELVES. You can complain, and after that you still have to get yourself together and move on. live isnt chaning much because of your accuse.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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