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Jack says

609 views. 2012-5-22 16:08

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In the morning.

Jack says, I want to learn some GRE words to expand my vocab a bit,

I want to read some bilingual articles to discipline my language expression.

I want to browse some news articles to get in touch with the world.

I want to do some sports to keep a fit body.

I want to do some cleaning.

I want to …


At noon.

Jack summed up: I had my computer on for the whole morning. I did open some websites above. But I simply ignored all of them, not even a single word, a single passage have I read through. Gosh! What did I do then? I just opened up these websites. And else, what did I do? What did I do?

Jack racked his brain, but still, not a single clue popping out.


In the afternoon.

Jack just dedicated to two bilingual article websites, shutting down all the other irrelevant thinking.

Jack did learn some stylish expressions, meantime, got some insights from them.


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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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