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C---E Translation (3)

1850 views. 2012-6-16 10:30 |Individual Classification:translation pieces


   When we wake up and see the sunrise in the morning, when we take a walk and feel the touch of breeze , when we look far into the mountains and overlook the vast sea , when we observe the earth changing its clothes at the season of each year , when we look upon the starry sky , we should be grateful to the Lord who bestows us with nature full of wonders and beauties , we should learn to come closer to it  ,which benefits us in the way we look at the things happened in our life and in the way we feel about ourself.


   Our soul desperately longs for that sense of fear , that encounter with grandeur which helps remind us of our real place in the universe .If we cannot seek it in the church , we will search for it and find it some place else.


Post comment Comment (2 replies)

Reply Buqiqi 2012-6-16 12:13
Good job~
Reply Ebymas 2012-6-16 16:45
Buqiqi: Good job~
Thanks , welcome you to my place ,my dear friend.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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