Since last month, the subdistrict i live in will be taken a project called flat-to-slope modification which is one of the projects instructing by constructual department of shanghai authorities for the goal of energy-saving.
It is a good news for local residents, especially people who live in the top floor of the building. This project will thorouphly solve the problem like water seepage of the roof and give a promotion for warm keeping. It, thun, is welcomed by local residents.
Yet people who live beneathe the top floor don't agree with it, for the simple reason that their daily peaceful life have been broken, as the constuctual team equipe the staging around the whole building which fears them to open the window of the room for avioding being stolen.
The stagings equiped out of the wall really give rise to security problems. Thieves are far more easy to reach their target than before.
Last night, a man who lived upstairs was foul-mouthed at the lane complainning about his being-stolened bicycle, saying the manager of the district where le lived in was always raising momey for one cause or another but had never thought about his obligation for the security of the district. Such complaining had lasted for several minutes out of my window and I was listening to his words. Though, I lived in this district as well, in some extent , I didn't agree with some of his words.
In my view, the real estate manager and his staff have done the most what they should have done since the beginning of the flat-to-slope project. Recently I have observed that the staff would go round the whole distict with a horn broadcasting the warnings to resident ensuring them to close the windows at night. And the guards at the three entries of the district have increase to inquiry of the strangers, especilly those who rode a electronic motor or a bicycle. The effort to provide guard service protecting residents' security have all been done, and we could see it.
The management of real estate in our district is not bad. Since more than decade ago I moved into this distirct. During these years, grasses are regularly pruned; trees are well planted; streets have been renovated and paved neat asphalt; the environment of our district is much better than before, and our aunnual fee paid for the management is only 70 yuan. For me, it is much worth that price.
They have committed all their duties, I thus think. For us, residents, are also supposed to take more care for their own assets security. Measures are suggested by our district manager. Such as: do not set aside along your motors or bicycles and stop them in the shed where it will be guarded avoiding being stolen; be sure to close the window before leaving your home; do not open the door for the strangers. All these measures are sufficient to protect your own safe.
So, before complaining, one should think more about whether he or she has do much to protect themselves.