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A Big Decision

926 views. 2009-4-21 12:41 |

    I have made a big decision last weekend that i determine to have my oral english improved greatly in a short time by applying for a oral english course 'The Waltstreet English' trainning school.
    It may be the most successful adult english trainning school in shanghai, in spite of its considerable high tuition fee which costs nearly 3/4 of my annual income.
    But I haven't told to my parents that i have applied for a 18 months installment for the tuition fee. For they will frighten to the high fee i have paid and totaly veto to my decision. Its my money i should take full control of them and i don't want anyone to critisize on my decision.

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Reply Sally_Fan 2009-4-21 17:46
Hehe, this is really a big decision, I wanted to go to a English training school last year, but the tuition total 20,000 one year, then I give it up, as it will be a little bit difficult to me.
Reply RachelBear 2009-4-21 18:24
u r really courageous and decisive~!and I think all u paid for this will be worthy of~hang on~
Reply dora_x 2009-4-22 09:55
RachelBear: u r really courageous and decisive~!and I think all u paid for this will be worthy of~hang on~
i hope so

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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