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What color of the world?

490 views. 2020-2-6 11:17 |Individual Classification:Daily Life

What color of the world is? It can be as black as stinky gutter, where malice, greed and cruelties are fostered and poured all over. It can be as bright as beautiful rainbow, where empathy, compassion and kindness flares like the stars lighting up the sky. Or for many, right now it might be as gray as incubator where virus surrounds us, crowding everything else matters out. You cannot see it, but you feel it in the earth, you feel it in everything you touched, you smell it in the air.

Honestly, the grey has become a little bit overwhelming. I feel like that we need to see the world with a positive filter. This spreading virus is scary and we can’t be too careful to deal with it. However, is it right to let it occupy all of our thoughts, conversations and minds?

Suppose both virus and depression can take on human forms, and if the Virus stood there in all his deadly speed and disturbing vitality, face to face with the devastating stillness of Depression, I was started to realize that, although I am in the belly of the virus’s lair, if pressed to decide which of men before me was more dangerous---it wouldn’t have been Virus.

If you see the world as total black or gray, how many strengths and courage will be left for you to fight? Disease might be cured but a broken and crippled spirit might not.

I prefer to focus more on the beauty of life, spare more of my times on news that touch my heart and move me into tears.

Mr. Lin, a man who literally climbed out of the hell after all of his loved ones being cruelly murdered by someone they trusted and accepted as a family, still returns the world with kindness.

One of my neighbors, using her precious time in vacation at Vietnam, took so many troubles buying surgical masks for us from one hospital to another. Another neighour teaches us to draw pictures online---for free. 

Last night a video in which everyone is so creative to find fun in their quarantine time really makes me laugh.

See the world through a filter. Find joy, find beauty, and find hope.




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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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