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Shares Vacation is over
bluephoebe 2012-9-6 16:36
My cell phone blasted out suddenly, shattering the silence which should not have been disturbed. I picked it up, frowning a little at the name on the screen. Paused for a moment, I opened the desk drawer, threw my cell into it, and then closed the drawer firmly. Everything went back to its form ...
Individual Classification: Reflection|733 views|8 replies
Shares To Fleeting Friends
bluephoebe 2012-4-13 14:59
I am too reserved to make easy friendships. Someone once said that I always seemed to have a way of holding myself apart from the world, an observer rather than an active participant. Really? I don’t know, perhaps. People come and go, and sometimes th ...
Individual Classification: Reflection|749 views|14 replies
Shares On English Learning
bluephoebe 2012-2-28 17:07
Last Saturday I took my son to attend an oral English class for kids around his age. It was the first lesson and their teacher Sam, an Africa-American, got lost in heavy traffic and was much, much late. As a last minute understudy, Mr. Zeng, who is running t ...
Individual Classification: Reflection|900 views|21 replies
Shares Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus
bluephoebe 2011-12-30 10:57
In my blog “Love conquers all?” I mentioned two breakups. J, a 36 year old male, his nine-year-marriage ended up in divorce while almost at the same time K, a 37 year old female, put an end to a two year relationship. Different stories, but similar endings ...
Individual Classification: Reflection|593 views|12 replies
Shares 2012 is coming!
bluephoebe 2011-12-29 13:33
What can we say about the year of 2011? Before finding an exact word to define this year, I’d better start with a jokethat is widely spreading in my company:“Who needs nuclear weapon when we got Bart?’” Bart is a former employee. In 2011 he travelled a lot ofpl ...
Individual Classification: Reflection|622 views|15 replies
Shares Job hunting season
bluephoebe 2011-12-23 17:08
The following is an old diary of mine, written on 2008-2-25: It seems to be a job hunting season. Everyone around me is considering to change job wholeheartedly, or halfheartedly. Ok, I admit that I am ...
Individual Classification: Reflection|521 views|15 replies
Shares The 270th blog and Me (第270篇博客)
bluephoebe 2011-12-21 11:07
This is the No.270th blog I wrote in dioenglish. 270 blogs in total. You might feel a bit impressive about this number. However, wait until I told you about this. Dioenglish is not the first place I started blogging in English. My first blog ...
Individual Classification: Reflection|854 views|22 replies
Shares Three weapons to learn English
bluephoebe 2011-11-28 15:38
Forgive me for using Big word in the subject. I don’t mean to be one of those attention-catchers, however, to master a foreign language requires a good memory, a silver tongue, and an outgoing personality. Sadly I have none of these. A girl like me has to be armed to the teeth when learning En ...
Individual Classification: Reflection|915 views|19 replies
Shares Love Conquers All?
bluephoebe 2011-11-24 17:17
There were times I truly really believedthat Love Conquers All. Do you still remember how you felt when you fell in love? Thosetoes-curlingfeelings: an innocent look at him made your heartbeats quicken, palms sweating, and his mere presence could crowd everyt ...
Individual Classification: Reflection|1149 views|21 replies
Shares Do loudly---Part 2
bluephoebe 2011-11-8 15:56
In any way, this optional free PPT was much more important that it seemed to be. However, S didn’t see it through and she was the only one who had not prepared in advance. Consequently, S was also the one who being challenged the most. Besides without a proper PPT to present, S also made anot ...
Individual Classification: Reflection|607 views|19 replies


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