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( 20773 ) Visits

  • I have't  logged in this website for a long time, today I think it is time for me to continue writing something about my life and work.  Reply
  • it is a sunny today Reply
  • If love comes across reality, which will win at last? Reply
  • Today is a busy day, my family are preparing some delicous food for the new year. But look at the snow outside, i suddenly feel something sad in my mind. The new year is coming, but i am still alone. Reply
  • Yesterday my friend said:'' To be loved is happy, and love somebody is painful.'' Is it true? What is love? Reply
  • Real NameAnnie
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1986 - 1 - 8
  • Birthplace河南 三门峡
  • Residence河南 三门峡
  • Blood TypeO
  • QQQQ

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Forget your past and Have a new start 2012-09-28
    Everyone has their own dreams. However, sometimes,I think adout my dream, i don't know what it is ,and i feel confused. Spea ...
(1054) Views|(2) Replies
My work 2009-09-01
The  holiday was over,and I have to work. However , facing the high school  students,  I  don't know how to be a good teacher. I ...
(1142) Views|(6) Replies
holiday 2009-07-20
Having a summer holiday  is a good thing, but these days i feel bored, because i have nothing to do, or i don't know what i should do ,so i ...
(1059) Views|(4) Replies
A journary to Mt. hua 2009-05-17
During   my  May 1st  holiday,  i  went  to  Mt. hua  with  my  collgues.  we  ...
(1199) Views|(5) Replies
my teacher life 2009-05-12
    I  haven't  written   something  for  a  long  time. How  time  flies. As&n ...
(1166) Views|(16) Replies

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  • shared a blog(2014-3-29 16:25)
    English phrase
    事实胜于雄辩 Actions speak louder than words 知识就是力量 Knowledge is power 少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 An idle youth,a needy age 晚做总比不做强 Better ...
    Useful   Phrase
  • shared a blog(2012-9-28 22:30)
    The poem
    I love you not because of who you are,but because of who I am when I am with you. 我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉
  • shared a blog(2012-9-28 22:28)
    pain,then let go (痛了,就放下了)
      A younger gent to visit a monk on one of a famous Buddhism mountain. He felt extremely pain because his girlfriend left him to marry other
    . Don’t vision the love beauty excessively, don’t exaggerate the pain of losing love excessively too. ” (不要过分憧憬爱情的美,不要过分夸大失恋的悲)
  • shared a blog(2012-9-28 22:25)
    Harvard school motto
    1. This moment will nap, you will have a dream; but this moment study, you
  • shared a blog(2012-8-8 17:49)
    Don’t belief the fate, belief yourself!
    It’s started when people make the definition for the problems and issues that an increase of people are used to complain about everything aroun

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possible 2012-9-28 23:19
seems you have not logined in here for a long time?
Sandy003 2012-2-13 16:32
like the wind, passing by here, only to wish you happy, happy, happy...
possible 2011-12-30 14:47
jing 2009-9-9 12:55
kiss you!
mikanike 2009-8-14 11:54
Hi,Annie!It is glad to your space .I am your fellow villager. Happy zodiacal year!And welcome to my space!
珞韩 2009-8-9 22:40
hi, i think that we say hello each other for a long time ^^ but have no chance to chat one time ,i m waiting for that ^^
Annie 2009-7-13 20:57
nice to meet  you too.
kingcrimson 2009-7-13 19:27
hi, nice to see you here.
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