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( 73189 ) Visits

  • A mum with bob  Reply
  • look for information for friend Reply
  • I am pregnant. Best wishes to my baby and my families.  Reply
  • i want to  know if there is any softwear about the dioenglish on the phone like sina-micr-blog ? Reply
  • Where should I go? Reply
  • Real Namequeenie
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday9 - 28
  • Blood TypeO
  • QQQQ

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  • sddzzqq uploaded new images 12-27 10:37
    I am 6-month old. And I am better from the weakness.
Something interesting in work 2018-03-27
One employee in my team called A tends to compare with others when they get some awards and can’t cooperate with others well. Besides, she doesn’t ...
(918) Views|(2) Replies
Dioenglish is a magical web 2018-03-22
Why do I comment on Dioenglish like this?  Are you interesting in this? I registered here in about 2007. It's about more th ...
(857) Views|(8) Replies
New word: brag 2018-03-21
Today I learnt it from an American friend. He encouraged my elder son to talk to him so that the boy can brag to his friends: hey, I have an Amer ...
(829) Views|(0) Replies
who can tell 2017-08-10
Who have the introduction of  Stephen Covey, author of <the seven habits of hig ...
(704) Views|(0) Replies
How about your weekend 2017-07-31
It is Monday today. I wonder how about your weekend? About mine, I am speechless especially in the Sunday. It's only 29 RMB everyone would spend in t ...
(1032) Views|(1) Replies

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moli 2017-7-14 16:13
sddzzqq: Hi! From the information of when you update english blog, I guss you were missing sometime. And I was missing here for more about 2.5 year. Nice to me ...
   nice to meet you!
Sumingyu 2011-6-4 22:20
sddzzqq: A good picture. You like reading?
Yes  ,  a bookworm.
shoney 2011-3-19 13:03
hi, nice to meet u here.
Maria252 2011-3-8 21:53
Nice to meet you!
rachelzhaorui 2011-1-11 21:34
sddzzqq: Hi , girl. Nice to meet you!
Very glad to meet you, too
O'Bright 2011-1-1 19:01
Happy New year oh!
jeffyang 2010-11-10 10:53
more conversation videos -

What do you think of the videos?
Appreciate your feedback.
O'Bright 2010-10-16 13:36
I am coming.
Have a nice day!
Lifeidream 2010-10-16 11:48
Thanks for your encouragement,It is so important for me,It is wishes for you and your family..
yanghuansheng 2010-10-10 21:57
sddzzqq: Male?But why there is a girl's photo?
My GF, thank you for your attention.
ly.identity 2010-9-28 09:03
Happy birthday~
littlegrass 2010-9-24 09:32
On this warm occasion, one of the most simple to you my friend: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! I wonder whether my wishes can reach you. Let me drink a toast for my rriend with my best wishes.
Monica1985 2010-9-13 16:40
sddzzqq: Honey, give me a message in advance. Let me know!
ok,haha !!!!I'm very  busy now!
Monica1985 2010-9-12 09:15
sddzzqq: Honey, I have received you message. You owe me 2 blogs!
hello,dear!!1where  are you?I will go to your  shcool  on the next sunday.I  will  call you!!  See  you ~~~~
ashley0707 2010-9-2 10:26
sddzzqq: What a beautiful girl!
Thank you.I like this website!
littlegrass 2010-8-16 07:43
Happy Double-seventh Festival! Wish all shall be well, and Jack have Jill. Life will never be the same without love.
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