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Smog, Smog, Smog!

Hot 21083 views. 2013-10-30 23:46 | running, farmers, instead, breath, death

I can't breath

I feel being suffocated to death

Where's my papa?

He's gone and I will choke, choke, choke

Until I meet him in the aromatic clean air


Fuck u

The one with the poor farmers

Why don't u put straw in piles instead of burning them?

Courses! U soon will all die from pneumonia !


Fuck u

The one with running the factories

Why don't u shutdown them to cut your emissions?

Curses! U soon will all die from extreme poverty!


Fuck u

The one with managing the construction sites

Why don't u halt your excavations and demolitions?

Curses ! U soon will all die from falling!


Fuck u

The one with driving the cars

Why don't u stop taking your cars instead of riding bikes

Curses! U soon will all die from diabetes!


Fuck u

The one with the great power

Why u let the country so crowded?

Curses! But u had been in the hell which is your eternal home.


Enough is enough

I just want to breath

I have to go far, go fast

To be dead  or alive, that's the only question.


Post comment Comment (5 replies)

Reply sunnyv 2013-10-31 16:04
I didn't see those expletives. Perhaps my eyesight is failing LOL ... anyway...

Getting angry is just punishing yourself for the mistakes of others.
Reply xjlmb 2013-10-31 16:55
Agree to u . but I coundn't help writing such a mean blog.
Reply Ausfrank 2013-10-31 16:59
I don't get it except for the swear words. You always try to come up with something to surprise the audience. If you can give some explanation that will be appreciated. Otherwise there will be only a fraction of people who know you smart, right? buddy.
Reply xjlmb 2013-10-31 22:28
Sarcasm? The only explanation is who I am. I am a despicable coward and loser,That's the truth .
Reply Ausfrank 2013-11-1 20:39
xjlmb: Sarcasm? The only explanation is who I am. I am a despicable coward and loser,That's the truth .
"I am a despicable coward and loser"-----is this sarcasm as well?

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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