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  • The important thing I learnt in my college life is to depend on myself on doing anything. Compared to my college classmates, I may not be the most successful one, but I am living a simple but happy li Reply
  • When I sing in front of my husband and daughter at home, who praise me high. In fact, even if I am the only audience while I am singing, it doesn’t matter, for I enjoy myself in the music. Reply
  • Now I prefer to show myself in the world of net. Though I can’t see any audience, and can’t receive any flowers either, I do feel so many friends encourage and support me. Reply
  • In fact, all the difficulties are not so difficult as long as you see them simple things. Reply
  • I once thought why there were so much unhappy things happened to me, but now, I have the different thought. I should be happy for myself as long as I try my best to do everything. Reply

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  • Real Namemoli
  • GenderFemale
  • Birthday1976 - 6 - 21
  • Birthplace吉林 通化
  • Residence上海 普陀
  • Blood TypeO
  • QQQQ

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a beautiful girl 2017-07-14
Today nomrning I didn ’ t eat my breakfast,  I went to a small restaurant near my company to order a bowl of noodl. I have been to this rest ...
(2269) Views|(13) Replies
GAP 2017-07-06
I met a friend on internet ten years ago. We contacted occoasionlly in the years,   he went to shanghai to visit one of his frien d s ...
(2011) Views|(11) Replies
Tina 2017-07-06
I joined the company in May,   Tina was fired by the company because she would not do the perchasing work.   The boss said that the co ...
(1863) Views|(7) Replies
Everything is going smoothly 2016-01-29
I have been working in the new company for almost two months, there are only five staff including the boss in the office, so the relationship is v ...
(3235) Views|(9) Replies
Have class 2015-06-18
Last June, the factory’s manager Tony quitted his job, the boss asked me to go to her office, and said, we were having class about managerment ou ...
(2154) Views|(5) Replies

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sddzzqq 2017-7-11 11:20
Hi! From the information of when you update english blog, I guss you were missing sometime. And I was missing here for more about 2.5 year. Nice to meet you here again!
teadrinking 2017-7-8 22:41
moli: thanks for your kind comments.
have a good weekend!
Have a good weekend.

It is kind of hot today. Summer let me feel energetic.  
lastpalce 2016-7-11 20:19
moli: hi, glad to meet you here.
hi,glad to meet you.
alicelin88 2016-1-14 10:41
zrtserena 2015-1-16 15:12
Hi, moli~ I have read your blogs and I notice you have kept writing blogs for a long time. Now I am preparing my undergraduate paper and I think your experience will certainly help me a lot. I want to have an online interview with you about writing blogs. Could you do me a favor? Looking forward to your reply...
possible 2014-6-11 19:56
moli..continue to post ur blog and share with us...
Stephen_Z 2014-3-28 09:13
moli: long time no see, and happy new year!
Hello Moli, it's really long time. How are you doing ?
annayang 2014-3-20 15:00
moli: long time no see, and happy new year!
Omg, it s really sorry about that, I have long time did not long in here, even already almost two month pass the new year. Anyway thank you so much and how are you. How s ur every thing in new year
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