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Remember Me

1931 views. 2010-10-7 00:52 |Individual Classification:Diaries|

     Gandhi said that whatever you do in your life will be insignificant.But it is very important that you do it.I tend to agree with the first part. By 22,Gandhi had three kids,Mozart,30 symphnies,and Buddy Holly was dead. You once told me,our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch .Is that true for every body?
    Whatever you do in your life will be insignificant,but it`s very important that you do it,because nobody else will.Like when someone comes into your life,and half of you says,"You`re nowhere near ready,"but the other half says,"Make her yours forever."
God,I miss you.And I forgive you.
Our fingerprints don't fade from the lives we touch.
Remember me .  I love you .

Post comment Comment (13 replies)

Reply Rosslaw 2010-10-7 09:31
A little abstruse by me. haha.......
Reply woods 2010-10-7 11:14
Since when your thoughts became so subtle?Miss wendy?
Reply waywendy 2010-10-7 12:13
Rosslaw: A little abstruse by me. haha.......
It is not so abstruse . Just treasure what you have owned and do whatever you wanna do cos nobody knows what will happen in a second
Reply waywendy 2010-10-7 12:14
woods: Since when your thoughts became so subtle?Miss wendy?
you got what I mean ?
Reply woods 2010-10-7 13:29
waywendy: you got what I mean ?
Well,not exactly~But I don't mind if you give me a hint.
Reply whl7963192 2010-10-7 13:45
whatever you do,at least you have the experience.
Reply Sally_Fan 2010-10-8 14:38
If you want to someone remember you, you have to do something significant things, isn't right, I don't catch your words.
Reply waywendy 2010-10-8 17:39
Sally_Fan: If you want to someone remember you, you have to do something significant things, isn't right, I don't catch your words.
well , actually , I watched a film named Remember Me , and I think I got a lot . we should treasure what we have owned and don't do  whatever we wanna do untill it is too late  , cos nobody knows what will happen in a second .
Reply Sally_Fan 2010-10-11 14:14
waywendy: well , actually , I watched a film named Remember Me , and I think I got a lot . we should treasure what we have owned and don't do  whatever we wanna
Oh, I see, thank you for your explanation.
Reply loong 2010-10-16 11:34
philosphically speaking, what we do is not significant,what we have done make people happy is right duty.
Reply kucci 2010-10-27 17:57
Do a little for others everyday.That's enough.
Reply waywendy 2010-10-31 22:22
kucci: Do a little for others everyday.That's enough.
you are so kindhearted . Good luck .
Reply faylv 2011-1-18 08:43

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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