Ulumuqi, the capital city of Xinjiang autonomous region was suffering sandstorm on august 4, 2011. That’s too bad, I think it’s time for us to care about the earth and protect the green cover. Hundreds of thousands of people was using their clothes to cover their faces to protect from the sand. It seems I am so lucky to live in south china, because this place is far from the desert.
But south china is also facing another big trouble. In my homeland Longlin county Baise city Guangxi Zhuang autonomous region is suffering drought. I got the news from china daily. It has not been raining since April, so there is no water for the crop. To make matter worse there is also no water for the people to drink and to prepare food. The village people there have to walk two hours to get water to survive. I saw the pictures in the newspaper. Longlin is a county which is far from my homeland 300 KM, but we are belong to the same city. I am feeling the heartache.
I remembered when I was little there were too many trees in the forest, so we don’t care about there will be no water. Many wild animals were living the jungle like the wild pigs and the wolves. But now when I get my hometown, the forest has gone and all the woods were cut and carried to the city.
When I was a college student my teacher told us a story at the class. When a farmer was cutting the wood in the forest to make a living a journalist asked him. “Do you know when all the woods were cut there will be the end of the world?” “Yes I do!” the farmer answered. “Here is a multiple choice for you: A. you are going to die today B. you are going to die next week C. you are going to die next year. Which one are you going to pick?”
Which one are you going to pick?
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