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Shares It’s easier to buy luxury goods in domestic markets than anytime before
2012-2-22 22:47
The story begins with the Exotic Cargo Market of Tian Jin. One of the store owners closed her business many years ago when the business were on the peak. She told the reporter to get a good booth she had to get up in 3 in the morning. And people poured in from all over china and the market of E ...
1035 views|2 replies
Shares Gadhafi has died
2011-10-23 22:57
Gadhafi has died but it’s still a hot topic all over the world. If you go to the New York Times or USA today you can see so many reports about gadhaif’s dead. And today I got the news from china daily. The news is about how the people in Libya want to deal with the corpse of their former lead ...
994 views|3 replies
Shares Whether you believe it or not, I do believe any way!
2011-8-9 09:21
Summer is here now all we feelingsare hot, but the market is going to winter. If you gave an eye on the news around the world, you will find that something unexpected is happening like debt crisis of USA and Europe and the decline of stock market. This is an indicator of economic crises i ...
1381 views|4 replies
Shares Chinese valentine’s day-it’s time to find your better half
2011-8-7 21:47
Chinese Valentine’s Day which falls on Chinese calendar July 7th is becoming more and more popular for Chinese people to show their lovers how much it means to them. As we all know Valentine’s Day means chocolate and rose, but to Chinese Valentine’s Day it means gathering.   ...
1261 views|2 replies
Shares Which one are you going to pick?
2011-8-5 21:31
Ulumuqi, the capital city of Xinjiang autonomous region was suffering sandstorm on august 4, 2011. That’s too bad, I think it’s time for us to care about the earth and protect the green cover. Hundreds of thousands of people was using their clothes to cover their faces to protect from the san ...
1500 views|8 replies
Shares Do you believe our income keep up with CPI, I don’t believe any way!
2011-8-4 21:41
I am in a bad mood recently. These days I was addicted to read the news in the website like SOHU or TIANYA. The more news I read the worse temper. More and more bad things are happening around china. Like the crash of the bullet train or the Guo MeiMei or the sex videos of those so-called high ...
1246 views|7 replies
Shares Can you feel the love tonight
2011-7-7 14:47
Can you feel the love tonight? What a wonderful song! If you have watched The Lion King, one of the world’s famous animated cartoons, you will know it has received the1994’s OSCAR. And can you feel the love tonight is one of songs of the movie. The Lion King is my kids favorite, also, it ...
1793 views|3 replies
Shares You are what you eat
2011-7-5 10:38
You are what you eat, right? There is no doubt, because this is an English saying. So it’s very important for us to watch out what we eat. To live a healthy life more and more people are refusing poisoned food nowadays. But we often get the bad news from the newspaper or ...
1667 views|1 replies
Shares That’s funny and that’s not funny
2011-7-4 10:57
In today’s blog I want to bring up the one man who has known for every one around china for giving flowers to Song Zuying( 宋祖英 ). The man named Wang Liuju( 王留聚 ) who’s from He Nan province. The story began with a performance. One of the counties of He Nan province i ...
552 views|2 replies
Shares Let’s take a trip!
2011-7-3 14:15
Most of the people love this topic, I bet. Let’ begin with a children song from Disney cartoon and the song is let’s take a trip! Let’s Take a trip, take a trip let’s travel. Let’s take a trip take a trip. Let’s go I have my suitcase I am ready to go, I am ready to go! Tr ...
1003 views|1 replies

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