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Focus on one thing

Hot 2886 views. 2021-9-4 15:00

   I find it's hard for me to focus on one thing for a while recently.When i want to read something,just keep few 
minutes,my thought is running away:want to browse the tik-tok,want to browse the news,it's trouble me for a long time.
   Few days ago,i uninstalled the Tik-tok,the situation is become a little better.Now,if i have spare time,I force me 
to keep reading and practice, my emoiton is becoming stable now.

Post comment Comment (2 replies)

Reply Dempsey 2021-9-4 21:31
I don't know why people have so many bad comments on Tik-Tok and other short video apps of the kind. For me, these apps can bring me a lot of fun when I feel boring or depressed, and some videos can help me watch lengthy movies in a very brief way. If you want to enhance your concentration in reading books, you can try to read the books you are really intersted in, instead of those you think you "should" read. Good luck!
Reply davidjuyong 2021-9-7 08:09
You have dong a correct thing to uninstall the short videos apps. I have done it also.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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