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Shares I am doing well now.
qianwen 2022-7-10 23:30
Since I was child at my primary school, I became the fattest one in my class. It seems a shame for a girl so I was often laughed by my classmates and also I have few good friend until entering into college. I spent much time alone staying at home and watching soap operas and indulged mys ...
389 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares When I live on my own...
qianwen 2022-4-9 11:28
I have stayed at school for nearly five weeks, for we can't be allowed to go home in case of the infection of Covid-19 virus. During this period, I have much time to do something I like, such as exercising, watching movies, and learning farming which is tiring but gives me much feeling of sati ...
282 views|0 replies
Shares Suspending classes
qianwen 2022-3-31 21:40
Because of the outbreak of Covid-19’s disease in our province , we have to suspend classes.These days we can go nowhere but stay at school.So I spend much time doing something i’ve never done before, such as making buns, cooking chicken, drying radish to make pickles and so on. Sometimes I feel go ...
301 views|1 replies Hot 1
Shares A night on the train
qianwen 2015-6-1 20:58
Though i always believe life is full of good things, sometimes i just cannot help immersing in bad conditions. During these days, finding job was the last thing i like to do. When i spent almost daytime watching tv series with cellphone, i can not be able to jump from this kind of life. I know well ...
1050 views|5 replies Hot 5
Shares The third day after resignation
qianwen 2015-5-27 15:57
After having resigned my previous job, i thought i could relax myself for a short time for i do not need to be hurry to office every morning and face my boss who s the last one i would meet. While this is not always the case.Frankly speaking, i am feeling lonely now and the boredomness and worry com ...
1298 views|3 replies Hot 3
Shares An interview tomorrow
qianwen 2015-5-23 21:23
Tomorrow is sunday though,i have recieced an interview invitation. It's a private English training school and the position i applied for is administrative assistant whose main job is to help foreign teacher communicate with students and make plans for related courses.For me, it's a new career and i ...
1124 views|12 replies Hot 6
Shares A farewell to my first job.
qianwen 2015-5-21 17:53
Tomorrow i’ll leave here, The place i stayed in for almost eightmonths. Looking around, All the things go normally as usual. But tomorrow, I’ll take a farewell to all of these. The colleagues i made fr ...
1170 views|5 replies Hot 2
Shares Why are you always look so sad?
qianwen 2015-5-8 17:00
Why are you always look so sad?
Everyone seems lead a busy life, vendors are hurried to make money , students are busied with school work, officers are making phone calls andlooking at computer screens all day. When a day's off, we want to escape the square room as soon as possible. Life, for most people is a g ...
1323 views|2 replies Hot 2
Shares Friends and strangers
qianwen 2015-4-22 17:10
Friends and strangers
When being order, we would findthe sad truth thatour intimate friends are still thosewe made before at school.When i was still a student, i' ve heard the saying that you would not make a real friend you after stepping in ...
685 views|2 replies Hot 1
Shares Foreign language speaking is harder than writing
qianwen 2015-4-8 16:30
Foreign language speaking is harder than writing
In China, students start learning English in primary school and now children are taught English by their parents even in one or two years. Reciting words, learning grammar and exercising listening are the main ways of studying for Chinese students, which proves not effective much in practice. ...
740 views|12 replies Hot 6


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