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  • It's very painful that someone say the bad words behind me ,the feeling is so terrible. Reply
  • I haven't been here for a long time ,oh ,where are my friends? Reply
  • To be happy is the most beautiful thing in life.Keep smiling! Reply
  • Today the weather in Tsingdao is rainy,but it's not cold.i went to Taidong merchandise street without umbrella,fortunately the rain is not heavy. Reply
  • Thanks for my friends!With your help,i can use the Miniblog now.The first thing online i would like to do is to say thank you. Reply
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  • Birthday1971 -
  • Birthplace山东 烟台
  • Residence山东 青岛
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  • MSNskype:bluefish902

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feeling of life 2012-11-29
Keeping smile,difficult but important Thanks for my friends ,especially for my foreign friends for your tolerance to me and communic ...
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