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  • It is cats and dogs outside. Reply
  • Saying is more than doing , laziness is more than hardworking , idle is more than busy , rest is more than work . Reply
  • East and west , home is best . Reply
  • my life is calm , but my mind always billows. Reply
  • i can persuade you naturely but it turns to me , it was failure. Reply
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  • Birthplace辽宁 大连
  • Residence辽宁 大连
  • Blood TypeA

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no result expectation 2011-08-04
I heard a piece of news from micro blog of cctv news , it is said that they need numbers of english editors . I am happy to hear that and want to ap ...
(1182) Views|(8) Replies
I hate the feeling the leader gave to me 2011-07-28
There is no free lunch , also there is no much more things that you take it for granted . Last month the accoutant quitted , who has work ...
(1022) Views|(5) Replies
what is wrong 2010-11-29
yesterday i waitted for the bus at the crossroads , a car stopped beside me when the light turned red .there were two women in the car , one who sat ...
(939) Views|(3) Replies
unhappy morning 2010-11-25
this morning two affairs happened to me which made me badly temper and mood all the morning . the first one was a complaining affair : ...
(976) Views|(8) Replies
Expo 2010 2010-11-03
  Forgotten was much more than  wrotten , did it mean i was old Expo made me regretted and crazy , all the cur ...
(906) Views|(4) Replies

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littlegrass 2010-9-23 18:47
On this warm occasion, one of the most simple to you my friend: Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! I wonder whether my wishes can reach you. Let me drink a toast for my rriend with my best wishes.
Lifeidream 2010-9-14 16:23
littlegrass 2010-8-16 07:34
Happy Double-seventh Festival! Wish all shall be well, and Jack have Jill. Life will never be the same without love.
littlegrass 2010-8-15 08:25
Offer our sincerest and profoundest condolences to the victims as the disastrous debris flow and the best regards and expectations to the alive!
littlegrass 2010-6-19 17:18
Hi! Nice to meet your here, and have a good day!
Jessfon 2010-6-2 01:24
zhichitianya1 2010-3-5 14:46
hello sophia! nice to meet u
刺猬 2009-10-22 08:45
it is honor that you say that , it is no problem that we have built good relationship with you , may you happy , and learn together
Dianechenqiao 2009-10-22 08:42
Hello, my friend! You ever commented my bolg. But I never viewed your blog. I'm so sorry. I want to build good relationship with you even though I am still not familiar with you firends in this web site. Wish you happiness.
MarkLee 2009-9-2 10:51
why do you have the name of hedgehog...
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