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( 26571 ) Visits

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  • the law is not a ornament!i will use it to safeguard the legitimate and interests of my wife this saturday,good luck to me,i can do it!  Reply
  • it's sotired to take wedding photos. maybe several monthes iwill become a father,it's so great and so excited[奔跑],点击[ ]查看表情 Reply
  • good moring everybody,happy dragon boat festival,hope you have a nice time ,today is a fine day here.  Reply
  • so many mosquitoes.are your mosquito bites still itching?  Reply
  • Real Name贲鑫磊
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday1988 - 11 - 28
  • Birthplace江苏 南通
  • Residence江苏 南京
  • Blood TypeA
  • QQQQ

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attention please,every friend in the 2013-07-11
it's so hot,if you wear those clothes that in sun for a long time,please take care,don't go out in this so high temperature,it would be make yourself ...
(1342) Views|(7) Replies
so bad 2013-03-14
i watched the tv play named<朝闻天下>,first i felt very good,love it very much,but a very short time spaced i heard the same news again,the same comp ...
(1550) Views|(4) Replies
so funny 2013-02-23
today i saw a friend play his online game,he had a exam in the game,there was a topic said that:a farmer has 17 sheep,the others all died because of ...
(1421) Views|(7) Replies
whether i really don't have anything? 2013-02-20
whose heart is flying in the sky whose encounter is drifting on the sea i don't want to say anything with the injured heart the past and the ...
(1338) Views|(7) Replies
attention please 2013-02-04
i have a problem that how do you think of this topic:not compensated by the same price between the people come from the country and the peo ...
(1481) Views|(8) Replies

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raicy 2014-1-1 14:45
    Happy New Year!
raicy 2013-12-23 22:09
Hello~ How are you recently? Merry Christmas!
snowflying 2013-6-24 20:14
bigcat: hope things go well with you,my dear friend
merely sometimes miss you guys,the same wishes to you,dear friend
bigcat 2013-4-27 19:39
long time no see my dear friend,how are you?
bigcat 2013-4-27 19:37
long time no see,how are you?
raicy 2013-3-24 15:21
bigcat: my dear friend,happy birthdayhope things go well with you,become more and more beautiful
Wow, thank you!!! I didn't expect that I would get a birthday wish here.
snowflying 2013-3-20 20:00
redapple2 2013-1-29 22:33
Hey, I think both the Chinese name and English name are very interesting, besides your avatar.
redapple2 2013-1-26 14:29
teadrinking 2013-1-22 22:25
bigcat: i am coming
teadrinking 2013-1-22 22:24
bigcat: i am coming
cocoon 2013-1-22 18:23
nice to meet u
teadrinking 2012-9-30 08:47
xhdu80 2012-2-6 12:07
Hi, glad to meet u
xixifighting 2011-12-26 14:51
bigcat: happy christams eve,and merry christmas
tks  and  wish you a happy day !
raicy 2011-12-22 22:33
Hello. Are you free on Christmas Eve? I invite you to join our party at 6:30 on Dec. 24.  On the 5th floor in the Runjin Hotel inside my university, Nanjing Forestry Uni.
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