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  • Hold you head high when you walk through the storm or you can't see what is ahead. Have hope. In your hours of darkness, there will always be a light that shines on you. You will never walk alone. Reply
  • Real NameSunnyv
  • GenderMale
  • Birthday2 - 1
  • Finding ...I am British from England (Cannot read Chinese)
  • Blood TypeO

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  • sunnyv published a new blog 1-28 17:30
    New Year Home visit - East or West home is the best
    - This is the time of the year when most people return to visit parents and relatives back at hometown. After working far from home for a ...
  • sunnyv published a new blog 1-25 14:56
    Spring Festival Home Journey Begins
    The world's biggest movement of people has started. This is the first day of the Spring Festival travel rush. Students, migrant workers, businessmen ...
  • sunnyv published a new blog 5-28 20:47
    A new English word ''Nomophobia''
    There is a new English word ''Nomophobia'' which means is the fear of being out of mobile phone contact. The word was first used by the UK ...
  • sunnyv published a new blog 5-11 11:37
    . I think you must have heard of the Boss of Tiens Group Mr. Li Jinyuan who invited and paid for 6,400 of his employees to visit France. ...
  • sunnyv published a new blog 4-10 20:53
    I read in a British newspaper about friends which seems to true in China too; At the age of 26 Most people have about 5 trusted friends a ...
Duanwu - Dragon Boat Festival 2016-06-09
I remember well our teacher in primary school told us the story about Dragon Boat Festival.  The story of Duanwu or Dragon ...
(1262) Views|(6) Replies
MOTHER'S DAY 8-5-2016 2016-05-07
International Mother's Day is coming.  This day is celebrated all around the world.  Take this chance to show your care for your mother w ...
(1176) Views|(6) Replies
Is appearance important? 2016-03-21
Recently there has been some public discussions about appearance. The consensus seems to be that it is better to be tall and slim, while those who ...
(3036) Views|(26) Replies
Leftover - Valentine's Day 2016-02-14
Valentine's Day and I am spending the day by myself. I have to admit that I am a ''leftover'' guy. The food at the stores are not fresh so ...
(1493) Views|(19) Replies
New Year Home visit - East or West home is the best 2016-01-28
- This is the time of the year when most people return to visit parents and relatives back at hometown. After working far from home for a ...
(1664) Views|(8) Replies

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  • shared a blog(2010-6-29 10:50)
    that time
           The college entrance examination score came out the Guangdong lowest admission grade line also came out
    Interesting. Could you explain more? Does this mens Guangdong province score is low in the country? What the points 567 means? How is it calculated?
  • shared a blog(2010-5-5 09:53)
    Want to study oversea
        Today , oversea study have gained much popularity among students..        Recently ,my bes
    You can also study overseas if you wish to and I think it is a good idea too. There are lot of benefits of an overseas education and qualification. In
  • shared a blog(2009-12-15 18:01)
    Warm encouragement from Mr.Sunvy touched me
    Today,when i prepared to call it a day,I clicked open website of Dioenglish and caught sight of a blog named What shall i do.It was written by
    Hey Liudonming, well done. The story of Sisyphus is an good example of persistence. Yes, indeed sharpen your tools first. then proceed further. We oft

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jeniffer 2019-2-4 17:05
happy new year
possible 2017-12-8 09:37
My friend, you disappear.
xbee 2016-10-4 14:42
Haven't seen you at all lately. I miss you
sweetapple 2016-6-23 10:52
sunnyv: That is grammatically incorrect. Perhaps you can use ''Striving for a better version of me'', ''Striving to be a better person'' or ''Personal enhance ...
Ok, I see. Thanks a million.
sweetapple 2016-6-22 22:51
I am preparing a speech, the whole content is focused on" I want to become a better person". I don't know whether it's suitable to use "Be your personal best" as the topic and if it caters to a foreign's language habit. Is there some problem in the grammer?  I hope you can give me some advice.
Juliezhang 2016-5-18 19:30
sunnyv: Possibly something wrong with your picture. Choose another picture  and ensure that it is in ''jpg'' format.
ok.I will try it out,thank you
Juliezhang 2016-5-17 21:15
hi, I know you are a  frequenter on this website, may I you some questions, how can I upload my avatar ,the picture I choose can not be uploaded. Do you know the reasons and how to solve it.thank youvery much.
freefu55 2016-3-31 16:11
sunnyv: Hi, Your postings and writings are good enough. Further upgrade would be journalism or proficiency level for which you would have to enroll at a suita ...
Thank you for your kind reminding. I am moving by your words.
freefu55 2016-3-31 15:45
Hi dear friend, could you please give me some advices of how to write my postings well? Becuase this time I want it to be a book.
Thank you so much.
freefu55 2016-3-8 20:09
I appreciate for your encouragment for those time, thank you.
snowflying 2016-3-3 15:19
how about you,my friend?
teadrinking 2015-12-6 20:15
sunnyv: Allow me to suggest better ways of writing - After Snow:
I opened eyes = I woke
Fellows = Playmates

Otherwise, everything is fine.
Hey, thank you very much. You have done pretty much well for providing me with good tips.
Wendysuisgreat 2015-3-22 20:50
Hi Sunnyv, there is no problem for me to send you with my phone number, 18877328358. Hope you could have a Wechat account  as well. I'm mostly free in evenings. How about you? What do you do at the moment in Hongkong? I guess it must be a high brow one. Is it?
Wendysuisgreat 2015-3-21 12:01
sunnyv: Hey Hi Wendy. It would certainly be nice to talk to you because we are fond of UK and like travelling the world. The problem is that I can't read Chin ...
Hi Sunnyv, have you got a Wechat account already? It has got an English version, if you can't read Chinese. You can just take your time to download this software which might be a bit help for chat with others.
freefu55 2015-3-18 15:58
Hello my friend. I do hope you can add my WeChat freefu55 . Then you can communicating those who like English and talk about life. Your friend.
sunnyv 2015-3-16 21:48
You have rewrite it out correctly. Good. Write more and you would be better. Don't worry, you are OK.
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