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The most gorgeous pages

746 views. 2011-4-28 10:48

Three years have passed since I said goodbye to my middle school life and entered a Colleage with the great expectations of my parents and former teachers. Since then, I have been enjoying a new life,regular and exciting.
As a college student ,I have come to better understand my goal. To make myself qualified ,the least I must do is to study hard,developing myself in every way.Here at college ,I feel that I am in a new kingdom of knowledge.When I first went into the library,I was amazed at the vast numbers of books stored there. Ever since, I have been going there in my free time.
At weekends ,I get up early in the morning , do some exercise,and ten go to the library or the classroom to go over and prepare for my lessons. Although college life is somewhat the same as that in the middle school, it offers me more time to think independently ; in addition, there are far more activities available here,which I can participate in when I am in the mood to:lectures,films,competitions and so on. Sometimes,I'm at a loss what to choose. In a word, I can give full play to my ability here.
College life is the most important turning-point in my life,I think. I'm no longer that ignorant girl I was three years ago,for the more  I learn, the more I hunger for knowledge. As I'm to graduate in one year, the little bit of time for me to study under the guidence of teachers is precious. Iin ten years,twenty years or more,when I recall the days in the college, I will proud to say that I have not wasted my time and college life has made one of the most gorgeous pages in my life.I love my camous life and everything in the college!

Post comment Comment (10 replies)

Reply SusieQ 2011-4-28 11:13
Your college life is colourful and rich,best wishes for you.
Reply wangruyuzhuwei 2011-4-28 11:21
SusieQ: Your college life is colourful and rich,best wishes for you.
Thank you.
Reply Karen_C 2011-4-28 11:21
It is hard to leave no regrets in life, but you make it.
Reply touringchina 2011-4-28 11:51
the article is so touching. from what i understand, you must be an excellent student.好强啊
Reply sunnyv 2011-4-28 12:15
Enjoy college life to the best you can. After graduation you would have to face the horrible realities and of working life. Sorry if this has frightened you but facts are facts, everyone has to face that.
Reply Dannietle 2011-4-28 12:46
just come on and persist!
Reply anniehu 2011-4-28 15:23
At least ,u made it,I can read that u are a loving-study girl
Reply kinzhang 2011-4-28 23:10
all the while u r  a good gril in my impression!as they said ,loving-study,always to be positive to grasp time and understand how to  make  the most of time to enhance yourself ...
Reply snowflying 2011-4-29 18:34
time for real study is very less in fact.less learning when enough time,less time when want to more learning.most people repeat the odd circle for owning and undertand to treasure your time.good!
Reply glambert 2011-5-6 10:05
good to hear something about your amazing college life, that made me recall the life of college when i was a student, always full of chanllenges and laughings...pretty nice~wish you the best!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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