actual, authentic, factual, genuine, real,true区别
Actual: 指事物的实际存在,并非出自主观臆造。(实际存在的,如知识、行为、价值)。
eg.The actual value of labor in capitalist society does not represent the real value of labor.
All actual objects are concrete.
Authentic: 指与事实完全相符,强调准确可靠;真的(有正式证据或文件表明)。
eg.The geologists declared the fragment to be an authentic specimen of a rare fossil.
eg.The report gave a factual account of the accident.
Genuine: 普通常用词,指真正的,货真价实的,强调非人为或非虚假的;真心的。
eg.The watch is a genuine Swiss make.
He showed genuine sorrow at the death of his wife.
eg.This jacket is made of real leather.
This is a real experience, not a dream.
This is a real pearl, not an imitation.
True: 指同实际情况或标准完全一致,(指语言、故事、品质等和实际情况相符)口语中多用。
eg.He is a true communist.
It is a true story.
eg.The actual value of labor in capitalist society does not represent the real value of labor.
All actual objects are concrete.
Authentic: 指与事实完全相符,强调准确可靠;真的(有正式证据或文件表明)。
eg.The geologists declared the fragment to be an authentic specimen of a rare fossil.
eg.The report gave a factual account of the accident.
Genuine: 普通常用词,指真正的,货真价实的,强调非人为或非虚假的;真心的。
eg.The watch is a genuine Swiss make.
He showed genuine sorrow at the death of his wife.
eg.This jacket is made of real leather.
This is a real experience, not a dream.
This is a real pearl, not an imitation.
True: 指同实际情况或标准完全一致,(指语言、故事、品质等和实际情况相符)口语中多用。
eg.He is a true communist.
It is a true story.
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