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 政如农工,日夜思之,思其始而成其终。
I do my job as diligently as a farmer tends to his field. I have it on my mind day and night. I work for a thorough planning from the start and I’m determined to carry it through to a successful end.
 我们是同胞,骨肉之亲,析而不殊。
We are compatriots and I believe brothers, though geographically apart will always be bound by their blood ties!
 我应该像一个战士一样,在自己的岗位上坚持到最后一天,做到忧国不谋身,恪尽职守。
I think I should continue to do my job diligently on this position as devoted as a soldier. I always have the interests of the country in my mind and I pursue no personal gains. I will continue to perform my duties conscientiously.
 雷声大、雨点小。
someone hear(s) loud thunders but see(s) few rain drops.
 知易行难。
It is easy to identify a problem but it’s not easy to act on it.
 感同身受。
someone fully empathize(s) with how someone else feel(s).
 世界上一切事物不会是亘古不变的,如将不尽,与古为新。
Nothing in this world stays immutable and it is only with reform that we can ensure continuous existence and growth.
 事非经过不知难。
A person who has not experienced the difficulty will not be able to fully appreciate the gravity of the difficulty itself.




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