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04-07 19:57 最新历史版本 671 0 0

旅游成语翻译 二

惊涛拍岸    raging/tumultuous/turbulent waves pound on the banks

琳琅满目    a superb collection of beautiful things

流连忘返    linger on and forget to return

络绎不绝    an endless stream

美不胜收    too many beautiful things to be appreciated at once

闻名遐迩    known far and wide

奇峰异石    picturesque peaks and rocks

奇花异草    exotic flowers and herbs

亭台楼阁    elegant buildings for landscaping purposes

蜿蜒曲折    winding and zigzagging

心旷神怡    completely relaxed and happy

悬崖绝壁    sheer precipices and overhanging rocks

绚丽多姿   gorgeous and colorful

烟波浩渺    a wide expanse of misty waters

