

编辑:0次 | 浏览:6760次 词条创建者:Maranda     创建时间:02-03 12:13
标签: Psycho AlfredHitchcock suspense AnthonyPerkins JanetLeigh

摘要:Psycho(惊魂记)is a 1960 American suspense film directed by Alfred Hitchcock. The film is based on the screenplay by Joseph Stefano, who adapted it from the 1959 novel of the same name by Robert Bloch.[阅读全文]

Seven Habits of Highly Effctive Teen
编辑:1次 | 浏览:4010次 词条创建者:loong     创建时间:09-11 15:50
标签: habits effective teen

摘要:Seven habits of highly effective teen[阅读全文]

Top 10 Densely Populated Nations
编辑:2次 | 浏览:2375次 词条创建者:shawle     创建时间:08-31 20:00
标签: world city nation top 10

摘要:Top 10 Densely Populated NationsMost of us are fortunate enough to live in countries with a lot of wide open space and a few friendly neighbours. But there are some countries that are very densely pop[阅读全文]

Top Universities
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2097次 词条创建者:小莫     创建时间:08-27 19:58
标签: Top Universities

摘要:Top 100 of the international famous universities1 哈佛大学 美国 1636年  2 斯坦福大学 美国 1885年  3 牛津大学 英国 12世纪中期  4 剑桥大学 英国 1209年  5 麻省理工学院 美国 1861年&nbs[阅读全文]

acute, critical, crucial, urgent 辨析
编辑:0次 | 浏览:5188次 词条创建者:Joanne     创建时间:08-20 14:50
标签: acute critical crucial urgent

摘要:acute, critical, crucial, urgent这一组形容词都有"严重的,重要的"意思。acute a.剧烈的,严重的;急性的(病)。An acute lack of food brought hunger to the Iraqi people.食品严重缺乏,伊拉克人民正在忍饥挨饿[阅读全文]

Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood
编辑:0次 | 浏览:4183次 词条创建者:katielee     创建时间:08-19 12:51
标签: immortality William Wordsworth 永生 华兹华斯

摘要:There was a time when meadow, grove, and stream, The earth, and every common sight, To me did seem Apparelled in celestial light, The glory and the freshness of a dream. It is not now as it[阅读全文]

brittle, fragile, frail, crisp, invalid 辨析
编辑:0次 | 浏览:4172次 词条创建者:Joanne     创建时间:08-16 11:55
标签: brittle fragile frail crisp invalid

摘要:brittle, fragile, frail, crisp, invalid这一组形容词都有"弱"的意思。brittle a.易碎的,易损坏的,通常是指坚硬的东西。The bones of elderly people become brittle and easily broken.老年人的骨头变得脆弱,[阅读全文]

associate, ally, combine, unite 辨析
编辑:0次 | 浏览:3498次 词条创建者:Joanne     创建时间:08-14 10:24
标签: associate ally combine unite

摘要:associate, ally, combine, unite这一组词都有"联合"的意思。associate v.交往,结交;联系,联想。多指平等友好的合作,后接with,表示与某人交往或合作,后接in表示在某个方面合作。We associate with our neigh[阅读全文]

initial, original, primitive 辨析
编辑:0次 | 浏览:4642次 词条创建者:Joanne     创建时间:08-13 11:37
标签: initial original primitive

摘要:initial a.开始的,最初的,强调处于事物的起始阶段,也可以指位于开头地方的。My initial good opinion of him changed with time.时间长了我对他最初的好印象改变了。original a.最初的,最早的;原版的,原物的。[阅读全文]

encourage, excite, inspire, motivate, stimulate 辨析
编辑:0次 | 浏览:15027次 词条创建者:Joanne     创建时间:08-13 11:28
标签: encourage excite inspire motivate stimulate

摘要:encourage, excite, inspire, motivate, stimulate这一组动词都有"鼓励、刺激"的意思。encourage v.鼓励,促进,含有"使增强勇气或给予希望"的意味He encouraged his son to go to good college.他鼓励他的儿子上名[阅读全文]

Loyal Opposition (3)
编辑:2次 | 浏览:3364次 词条创建者:Bryan     创建时间:08-13 09:05
标签: Loyal Opposition 忠实的反对党

摘要:演讲原文(Wendell WilIkie)Nov.11,1940And finally our government must change its punitive attitude towards both big and little business. Regulations there must be. We, of the opposition, have consistent[阅读全文]

Loyal Opposition (2)
编辑:5次 | 浏览:3030次 词条创建者:Bryan     创建时间:08-13 08:50
标签: Loyal Opposition 忠诚的反对党

摘要:演讲原文(Wendell WilIkie)Nov.11,1940In Britain, some opposition party leaders are members of the government, and some say that a similar device should be adopted here. That is a false conception of ou[阅读全文]

Loyal Opposition (1)
编辑:4次 | 浏览:2715次 词条创建者:Bryan     创建时间:08-13 08:46
标签: Loyal Opposition 忠诚的反对党

摘要:演讲原文(Wendell WilIkie)Nov. 11, 1940.Good evening, America:Twenty-two years ago today a great conflict raging on the battlefields of Europe came to an end. The guns were silent. A new era of peace b[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:2638次 词条创建者:katielee     创建时间:08-13 08:15
标签: Admonition William Wordsworth 劝诫 旅人 威廉·华兹华斯

摘要:Well may'st thou halt--and gaze with brightening eye! The lovely Cottage in the guardian nook Hath stirred thee deeply; with its own dear brook[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1777次 词条创建者:Amanda~     创建时间:08-12 15:35
标签: 实用英语 shoot the breeze bite the dust bend over backward

摘要:1. Shoot the Breeze = chat informally美国人把无目的的闲聊比作是向微风射击,打风。 范例对话:A: What are you going to be doing this afternoon?B: Oh, I don't have anything in particular in mind.A: Why d[阅读全文]

The Portrait
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2793次 词条创建者:katielee     创建时间:08-04 21:39
标签: The Portrait Stanley Kunitz 画像 斯坦利•库尼茨

摘要:My mother never forgave my father for killing himself, especially at such an awkward time and in a public park, that spring when I was waiting to be born.[阅读全文]

Think it over……
编辑:1次 | 浏览:1581次 词条创建者:小莫     创建时间:07-30 16:11
标签: Think it over... 好好想想...

摘要:好好想想…… Today we have higher buildings and wider highways, but shorter temperaments and narrower points of view; We spend more, but enjoy less; We have bigger houses, but smaller families; We hav[阅读全文]

I Hear America singing
编辑:1次 | 浏览:7300次 词条创建者:katielee     创建时间:07-29 22:22
标签: America Walt Whitman 我听见美洲在歌唱 瓦尔特•惠特曼

摘要:I Hear America singing, the varied carols I hear; Those of mechanics--each one singing his, as it should be, blithe and strong; The carpenter singing his, as he measures his plank or beam, The maso[阅读全文]

替代词it, one, that和those用法说明
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2401次 词条创建者:Joanne     创建时间:07-28 14:47
标签: it one that those

摘要:为了避免重复出现前面已经出现的名词,常用it, one, that, those来替代。这几个替代词是高考中的一个常考点。现将各个替代词的用法归纳如下:用法说明一:it和that都替代“the+单数名词(可数或不可数)”,都是特指,[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1662次 词条创建者:hahasip     创建时间:07-27 22:38
标签: Duality

摘要:  The American legal system features a complexity resulting from American federalism. Within the federal structure, each state retains a substantial degree of autonomy. Each has its own constitution[阅读全文]

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