

Private, personal, individual, single 之间的区别
编辑:2次 | 浏览:16995次 词条创建者:betty396     创建时间:08-16 14:56
标签: private personal individual single 区别

摘要:Private: adj. 个人的,私有的,含有明显的隐私意味,不愿公之于众的。 Those are my father’s private papers.那些都是我父亲的私人文件。 非国有的: a program to turn many of the state companies to private[阅读全文]

be able to 和 can 的用法区别
编辑:1次 | 浏览:6145次 词条创建者:betty396     创建时间:08-10 15:02
标签: be able to can

摘要:(1) be able to 强调通过努力而获得的能力,而can则强调自身已具有的能力。如: She can sing the song in English. 她能用英语唱这首歌。 He will be able to sing this song in English in a few minutes, too. 几[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:2780次 词条创建者:DWH     创建时间:08-10 12:44
标签: Qinglish translation


The Chinese Valentines Day
编辑:3次 | 浏览:3209次 词条创建者:DWH     创建时间:08-09 20:47
标签: The Chinese Valentines Day

摘要:Do you know our Chinese Valentines Day? As it is on the way, let me take you to the beautiful story,it will give you a nice trip for both eyes and heart![阅读全文]

编辑:1次 | 浏览:3631次 词条创建者:fannyer     创建时间:08-06 23:53
标签: Gulangyu

摘要:Gulangyu, separated from Xiamen by the 500-metre-wide Egret River, with an area of 1.77 square kilometres, enjoys a lauditory title "Garden on the Sea." The original name of the islet was Yuan Zhou[阅读全文]

编辑:2次 | 浏览:3109次 词条创建者:fannyer     创建时间:08-05 23:35
标签: Lugu lake

摘要:Lugu Lake lies 200 kilometers (approximately 124 miles) from the center of Lijiang City, on the border between Ninglang County in Yunnan Province and Yanyuan County in Sichuan Province. The lake is li[阅读全文]

编辑:1次 | 浏览:2483次 词条创建者:fannyer     创建时间:08-04 22:46
标签: Turpan Karez

摘要:Turpan is located in a depression with the area of more than 1000 square kilometers of the eastern part of Xinjiang and some 80 meters below the sea level.[阅读全文]

Dangerous Body Language Aboard
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2049次 词条创建者:I-crystal     创建时间:08-04 15:41
标签: gesture travel

摘要:  You are in a foreign country, and don't speak the language. You order something indecipherable off the menu, and when the waiter brings you a plate of delicious noodles, you smile and make an[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:2051次 词条创建者:cookie19881027     创建时间:08-03 16:39
标签: 最后一课 The Last Lesson

摘要:I started for school very late that morning and was in great dread of a scolding,especially because M.Hamel [阅读全文]

Truely Madly Deeply
编辑:1次 | 浏览:2952次 词条创建者:cookie19881027     创建时间:08-03 16:21
标签: 野人花园 歌词 Truely Madly Dddeply Savage Garden

摘要:by:Savage Garden I'll be your dream, i'll be your wish i'll be your fantasy.  I'll be your hope, i'll&nb[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1804次 词条创建者:wuxie_0722     创建时间:08-02 09:36
标签: hungry naked homeless a smile on her face

摘要:作者介绍特蕾莎修女(Mother Teresa,1910-1997),印度著名的慈善家,印度天主教仁爱传教会创始人,在世界范围内建立了一个庞大的慈善机构网,赢得了国际社会的广泛尊敬。1979年被授予诺贝尔和平奖。本文所选即好在领取[阅读全文]

J.K.Rowling-One of the Richest Self-Made Women in the World
编辑:0次 | 浏览:7249次 词条创建者:shige1351@yahoo     创建时间:08-01 12:45
标签: J.K.Rowling Sucessful Women Harry Potter

摘要:Only 14 of the world's 1,011 billionaires are women who made their own money rather than inherited all or part of it. It is a small but impressive group that includes Oprah Winfrey, J.K. Rowling and[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1891次 词条创建者:wuxie_0722     创建时间:08-01 09:02
标签: Commercial jargon 长话短说

摘要:(一) 避免使用陈旧的商业术语 陈旧的与传统的商业术语(Commercial jargon)对信的内容没有什么作用,应该避免使用。 例一: Wordy: We wish to acknowledge receipt of your letter of November 14 with the chec[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1328次 词条创建者:wuxie_0722     创建时间:08-01 08:59
标签: Paragraphing

摘要:仔细和恰当地分段落(Paragraphing)商业书信要写得使人一读就明白,因此必须按照内容仔细和恰当的分段落,一般的分段落原则是一个段落一个意思(A paragraph for each point is a good general rule.). 现举例说明[阅读全文]

编辑:1次 | 浏览:3749次 词条创建者:wuxie_0722     创建时间:07-31 23:12
标签: we are half a world away 漂浮地铁

摘要:英文版歌词I watch you while you're sleeping next to me 当你靠着我睡着的时候 It's hard to tell you who I need to be 这很难说,你需要我 We stand together but we fall apart 我们站在一起,但是我们四分五裂[阅读全文]

Yellowstone National Park
编辑:1次 | 浏览:7208次 词条创建者:Bblythe     创建时间:07-31 00:54
标签: Yellowstone National Park 黄石公园 Heritage & Research Center wildlife Geography

摘要:Yellowstone National Park, established by the U.S. Congress and signed into law by President Ulysses S. Grant on March 1, 1872, is a national park located primarily in the U.S. state of Wyoming, thoug[阅读全文]

National Geographic Channel
编辑:1次 | 浏览:3798次 词条创建者:Bblythe     创建时间:07-30 15:21
标签: National Geographic Channel 美国国家地理频道 自然人文 纪录片

摘要:国家地理频道(National Geographic Channel,简称NGC)是由美国国家地理学会于1997年成立的一个制作与播放以自然、科学、文化与历史纪录片的付费电视频道。在亚洲地区则与星空传媒合资,于台湾、香港等地皆有播出。[阅读全文]

How the patent application is processed
编辑:1次 | 浏览:2491次 词条创建者:wuxie_0722     创建时间:07-30 09:17
标签: search application examination patent

摘要:  Preliminary search Filing application Maintaining an application Requesting examination Corresponding with the Patent Office Receiving patent processing of patent application Prelimin[阅读全文]

Margaret Mitchell
编辑:0次 | 浏览:15395次 词条创建者:Bblythe     创建时间:07-29 22:23
标签: Margaret Mitchell 玛格丽特·米歇尔 Gone with the Wind 文学名著 美国内战

摘要:Margaret Mitchell was the author of Gone With the Wind, one of the most popular books of all time. The novel was published in 1936 and sold more than a million copies in the first six months, a phenom[阅读全文]

Gilded Age
编辑:0次 | 浏览:6654次 词条创建者:Bblythe     创建时间:07-29 21:18
标签: Gilded Age 镀金时代 Mark Twain 马克吐温 女权运动 美国移民潮 社会变革

摘要:In American history, the Gilded Age refers to the era of rapid economic and population growth in the United States during the post-Civil War and post-Reconstruction eras of the late 19th century (1865[阅读全文]