

英文神曲推荐:You Raise Me Up
编辑:0次 | 浏览:3048次 词条创建者:JoyceLee     创建时间:03-09 14:56
标签: 英语歌曲 You Raise Me Up

摘要:英文神曲推荐:You Raise Me Up[阅读全文]

Youth 青春
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1695次 词条创建者:JoyceLee     创建时间:10-27 19:54
标签: 美文 青春


What Do You Do With Your Mouth?
编辑:1次 | 浏览:4407次 词条创建者:xingyue     创建时间:08-05 17:03
标签: VOA words and their stories

摘要:There are many expressions using the word mouth in English.[阅读全文]

Because you live
编辑:2次 | 浏览:1978次 词条创建者:ivyren     创建时间:08-04 17:03
标签: 音乐 英文歌曲

摘要:Because you live 是《公主日记》里续集里的插曲。[阅读全文]

How To Find Inspirations and Topic Ideas for Your Next Blog Post
编辑:1次 | 浏览:23848次 词条创建者:DioEnglish.com     创建时间:09-13 14:14
标签: 英语博客 英文日志

摘要:The more you blog, the harder it can be to come up with fresh ideas and topics to write about. Two of[阅读全文]

20 Ways to Increase Your English Skills
编辑:2次 | 浏览:3366次 词条创建者:EnglishWriting     创建时间:08-10 10:51
标签: Blog Writing 英文写作 英语日志 英语博客

摘要:1. Start your own English language blog. Even for people who don't have to write in English, writing can be a great way of properly learning the kind of vocabulary you need to describe your own life[阅读全文]

if you run
编辑:1次 | 浏览:3625次 词条创建者:shirley鋆     创建时间:12-22 12:41

摘要:  the boxer rebellion     The Boxer Rebellion的单曲,是电影《远距离爱情Going the Distance》的插曲,The Boxer Rebellion在09年只通过iTunes发行的新专辑,据说该专辑在美国iTunes的销量[阅读全文]

let your hair down
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2263次 词条创建者:shirleymy     创建时间:11-08 20:43

摘要:英文解释 You let your hair down when you relax and enjoy yourself without worrying about what other people think about you. 中文解释 无拘无束,轻松自如 英文例句 Visitors young and old let their h[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:4349次 词条创建者:loulou     创建时间:10-06 11:58

摘要:歌手简介 尼尔·杨(Neil Young,1945年11月12日-),出生于加拿大安大略省多伦多的创作型摇滚歌手、吉他手、钢琴家及导演。也以Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young(以下简称CSN&Y)、Buffalo Springfield等著[阅读全文]

when you are late
编辑:3次 | 浏览:1957次 词条创建者:miaomiaoxsi     创建时间:09-21 23:59

摘要:At some time in everyone's business career, they will make a mistake (or two). Some mistakes are small and can be easily fixed, while others are large and take a lot of work to set right. 每个人工作期[阅读全文]

How to control your interview
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2502次 词条创建者:miaomiaoxsi     创建时间:09-21 23:52

摘要:The interviewer asks you, "Do you have any questions for me?" You say ... "Yes!" This is the easiest interview question out there. Always say yes。 这是最简单的面试问题,总要说有的。 Asking questi[阅读全文]

quit your boss
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2177次 词条创建者:miaomiaoxsi     创建时间:09-20 23:33

摘要:Snow: What positions have you held before? Ben: I have been a salesman. But now, I can do public relations. Snow: How many places have you worked altogether? Ben: Three. Snow: Would you give me a gene[阅读全文]

Polish your resume
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2471次 词条创建者:miaomiaoxsi     创建时间:09-20 00:11
标签: resume

摘要:Polish your resume Mature,dynamic and honest.  思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。  Excellent ability of systematical management.  有极强的系统管理能力。  Ability to work independent1y,mature and[阅读全文]

Keep your chin up
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1444次 词条创建者:nico378024265     创建时间:09-10 12:45
标签: 英语成语

摘要:  [字面意思] 抬起下巴颏。   [解释] 这是对处在困境中的人说的一句话。是对别人的鼓励和关心,要他勇敢地面对困难,不要因为受到挫折而灰心丧气。你的女朋友又找到新的男朋友了?没关系,Keep your chin up![阅读全文]

How to Improve Your Writing
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2227次 词条创建者:Emilyququ     创建时间:09-08 21:55

摘要:How to Improve Your WritingA. We have to accumulate abundant materials before we write something, say, learning by heart crowds of articles. 写作需要有很多素材,积累素材很重要.要多背课文. B. Try to exp[阅读全文]

Look at a plum and quench your thirst
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1944次 词条创建者:nico378024265     创建时间:09-05 12:13
标签: 英语成语

摘要:望梅止渴 Look at a plum and quench your thirst Of all Chinese historical figures, the one who stands out the most, whether it be fore intelligence or treachery, is Cao Cao. One hot day, he marched hi[阅读全文]

Has the cat got your tongue
编辑:0次 | 浏览:2590次 词条创建者:nico378024265     创建时间:09-02 15:21
标签: 英语成语

摘要:Has the cat got your tongue /Cat got your tongue?(你怎么不说话了)  曾遇到过这么一位“抬杠先生”,别人只要一开口,他就来劲儿,反驳力还挺强。更让人来气的是,对方都已被驳得哑口无言了,占上风的他竟一[阅读全文]

Your are buying a pig in a poke
编辑:0次 | 浏览:1816次 词条创建者:nico378024265     创建时间:09-01 15:36
标签: 英语成语

摘要:Your are buying a pig in a poke(瞎买东西)   对都市人而言,即使你不是购物狂,遍地生花的促销活动也让你蠢蠢欲“购”。在优惠“活动”面前,千万别头脑发热,瞎买、狂购那些“物非所值”。否则,外国朋友可能[阅读全文]

Don't cut off your nose to spite your face
编辑:0次 | 浏览:4327次 词条创建者:nico378024265     创建时间:09-01 15:35
标签: 英语成语

摘要:Don't cut off your nose to spite your face(别和自己过不去)  “这球太臭了。” 电视机前,您急得手舞足蹈,气得怒发冲冠,更甚之,一个箭步冲上前,啪、啪、啪,恨铁不成钢怒打电视。您可千万别,别人惹了您[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1503次 词条创建者:Emilyququ     创建时间:08-31 23:05
