

A Dirge
编辑:0次 | 浏览:3033次 词条创建者:katielee     创建时间:07-23 22:55
标签: A Dirge 哀歌 悲歌 雪莱

摘要:Rough wind, that moanest loud Grief too sad for song; Wild wind, when sullen cloud Knells all the night long;[阅读全文]

A Lament
编辑:0次 | 浏览:3042次 词条创建者:katielee     创建时间:07-23 20:00
标签: A Lament 哀歌 雪莱

摘要:O World! O Life! O Time! On whose last steps I climb, Trembling at that where I had stood before; When will return the glory of your prime? No more --Oh, never more![阅读全文]