

编辑:0次 | 浏览:1483次 词条创建者:JoyceLee     创建时间:12-24 20:48
标签: 布什总统 2005 圣诞节


编辑:0次 | 浏览:2989次 词条创建者:hou163you     创建时间:06-16 00:06
标签: 美国总统 奥巴马 美国国旗日和国旗周 公告

摘要:When the American flag soars, so too does our Nation and the ideals it stands for. We remain committed to defending the liberties and freedoms it represents, and we give special thanks to the members[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:2192次 词条创建者:hou163you     创建时间:05-12 07:30
标签: 美国副总统 美中战略与经济对话 开幕式

摘要:And I’m not going to mention the Trade Representative sitting next to you because I told him if he was able to deliver a deal on -- with Korea, I would nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize. (Laugh[阅读全文]

Address at Jackson Day Dinner
编辑:1次 | 浏览:4085次 词条创建者:小莫     创建时间:08-30 00:39
标签: 美国总统 政府

摘要:演讲原文Now I want to say something very important to you about this issue of morality in government. I stand for honest government. I’ve worked for it. I’ve probably done more for it than any other[阅读全文]

编辑:3次 | 浏览:4168次 词条创建者:stefean     创建时间:08-23 14:17
标签: 奥巴马 演讲 总统 美国

摘要:演讲原文SENATOR BARACK OBAMA: (Cheers, applause.) Hello, Chicago. (Cheers, applause.)If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible, who still wond[阅读全文]

America under Attack
编辑:2次 | 浏览:3081次 词条创建者:小莫     创建时间:08-17 13:29
标签: America under Attack 总统小布什

摘要:演讲原文President George W. Bush made a television address to the American people.Today, our fellow citizens, our way of life, our very freedom came under attack in a series of deliberate and deadly t[阅读全文]

The American President 白宫奇缘
编辑:2次 | 浏览:3278次 词条创建者:hahasip     创建时间:07-14 23:22
标签: 美国 总统 爱情

摘要:基本信息片名:白宫奇缘 英文片名:The American President 又名:美国总统 白宫奇缘 [The American President]国家/地区:美国 区域:欧美 出品: 发行: 类型:爱情 剧情  导演: 罗伯·雷恩 Rob Reiner 主演[阅读全文]

编辑:0次 | 浏览:4094次 词条创建者:jane664889828     创建时间:07-14 10:59
标签: 里根总统就职演讲 英文原稿 录音下载 听力训练

摘要:Introduction of the SpeechFirst inauguration of ReagonThe first inauguration of Ronald Reagan as the 40th President of the United States was held on January 20, 1981. The inauguration marked the comme[阅读全文]

We Shall Overcome
编辑:1次 | 浏览:1906次 词条创建者:jane664889828     创建时间:07-09 16:58
标签: 美国总统 演讲原稿 听力录音

摘要:Brief Introduction of Lyndon Baines Johnson 林登・贝恩斯・约翰逊(Lyndon Baines Johnson,1908年8月27日 - 1973年1月22日)是美国第三十六任总统。他于We Shall Overcome1908年8月27日生于德克萨斯州中部草[阅读全文]