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why did so many chinese girl want to marry a rich man?

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Post on 2011-7-23 20:04:33 |View Posts
I am a foreigner from a western country and I am also financially independent and self sufficient. Some friends also categorise me as being rich which I doubt. I also have deep friendship with Chinese men and girls. I think I am in a position to comment on this topic.

I have noticed some Chinese girls like to marry rich Chinese men but they do not need a foreigner to be very rich as a condition for marriage. I am told that there are too much competition, unfairness, disparity and uncertainty in China and it is impossible to have a good life in China unless you are well connected. They would like to seek a new life overseas. Many have succeeded and some have failed.

Every country has it's problems and advantages. Every men have their own positive and negative sides. Everyone wants to have a good future, so they make the choice which suits them most. However, people like to connect foreign marriages with wealth seeking which is quite unfair. I don't believe a girl would marry a foreigner solely for wealth. A visit to countries like Canada, USA and England would show you life long and wholesome marriages between Chinese and foreigners. I support the thinking that if a girl can find a good Chinese boyfriend in China she should marry him instantly, but if she can't then she can have other choices.

I have also noticed few Chinese men marry foreign girls. I have asked Chinese men and they have told me that Western girls cannot become a good housewife, prone to divorce and incompatible in thoughts. May be that could be true.

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Rank: 8Rank: 8

Post on 2011-7-26 11:38:17 |View Posts
feiyuyitiao: thank you for you honest reply, yes.Every country has it's problems and advantages. homan being also. to judge a social phenomenon should consider mor
Glad to note your unbiased and fair view of this topic.

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