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How to get rid of loneliness

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Post on 2010-7-3 13:37:05 |View Posts
Why don't you just enjoy being alone? This is perhaps the only period of time you can be with yourself. You may think about stuff about yourself, your life or some other things.
I am used to being alone. And I don't feel lonely. There is always something going on in my mind so that I don't feel empty even for a second. I think it's important to be alone for a while each day. You have time to think and know things better.
In case you don't get used to enjoy being alone in the beginning, here are some suggestions for you.
You may read something. In reading you are not alone. You are with a book. You communicate with the writer and you kind of like live the life of the characters in the book if it's a novel. It can be really interesting.
How about watching movies?
Say you go out with some friends. But make sure your friends don't feel lonely at the moment as you do. Because the combination of loneliness is still loneliness. If he or she has a fulfilled life maybe you will be influenced by his or her attitude.
You may just meet some people in say some activities if there is any. You have then something to do in the activities and someone to communicate with.
Last but not least, you can always come here. There will be people who would like to listen to you and understand you. You may share with us something particular about you. It is a pleasant experience to share with people something you have.
Hope won't feel lonely any more.

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