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Author: Ebrushes
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What is your goal in new 2011 year!

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Post on 2011-1-28 17:48:00 |View Posts
Now I am waiting for the result of the graduate entrance exam,so I still do not know my new goal.Actually I feel I didn't do well in the exam and the hope is so  little that I totally doubt it!I don't know what should I react if the result is really bad.I believe I would cry ,cry ,cry ....The university I 'd like to go is Xiamen university,which is very beautiful and clean.Most importantly,the living pace is slower than beijing and the air is fresher.In fact ,there are so many stange factors that promote me to choose xiamen.I wish my dream could come true,but it's really unimaginable.Ten more days have gone after the big exam,but I feel the days are so long and slow.Through the preparation for the exam,I have grown a lot,learnt a lot and undersood a lot.Give my heartest thanks to my dear parents,brothers,friends,teachers.It's their care and love that helped me to get through those hard days.I'm afraid I will let them down.Anyway,it's the most valuable asset that I possess.If I really fail,I probably  will study another year or go to work.Because I do not want my parents to work hard any more,I want them to live wealthily and happily and comfortablily!It seems I didn't catch the meaning of the topic,but It's words from my deepest heart!I will not  go home for the spring festival,I am now having an internship,my profession,accounting!I want some new things to stimulate my blunt brain and to find what my major do ........All in all,I wish my new year would be fluent,happy....and find my Mr Right!Thanks for your reading!

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