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Take difficulties as one way to realize self-improvement

497 views. 2013-1-18 17:42

In recent days, I am involved in translating a copy of contract relating a project of my company. It’s really a challenging and arduous task for me. When my leader forwarded such a long-winded document with more than 300 pages to me and asked me to translate it into Chinese as soon as possible, I was completely startled, however, I had no alternative but to bite the bullet and take the task.

I am not a law or business major and seldom refer to contract-related papers, thus, the lack of relevant specialized knowledge and translation skills no doubt poses a dilemma for me, but I know clearly that I shall not take it lightly.  

After days of translation combat, I found that some sentences are particularly awkward for me to comprehend. Even a “subject to” made me confused in these legal document as this phase has diverse meanings in different contexts. I realized that it’s really not that easy to translate a document in a certain professional field if one has little knowledge about that field.

        Even so, I must admit that I have learned a lot from the translation in spite of the difficulties. I have already mastered some basic patterns and expressions commonly adopted in legal writings. For me, it can be said a kind of knowledge accumulation. For this reason, I will follow through on the translation of this contract. And I believe that I will definitely achieve a lot when I have accomplished it.

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Reply hirondelle 2013-1-18 19:59
300 pages! Jesus! Indeed a big challenge, but exciting!
When you finish, you may keep the original English copy with your translation as a souvenir.
Reply shirleyytt2010 2013-1-18 20:30
It sounds really chanllenge to finish the task, try your best to accomplish them.
Reply 沧海一粟 2013-1-19 00:36
I can understand your situation perfectly. I have done translations for a production line manual containing some terminologies that were quite unfamiliar to me. But fortunately, when I needed to confirm the preciseness of my translation, I could consult the engineers in my department during those days. Those expiernces in translation were absolutely great ones, after which I was able to do well when I was asked to work as an interpreter for the foreign  technicians who came over from Europe to exam their production line.... So, if you can find a professional to help, you'll find doing the translation much easier. Wish you good luck.
Reply carolyayayaya 2013-1-19 08:54
I also want to turn to some experts  in this area for help, but it seems no such persons around my workplace. Anyway, what you said gives me some enlightenments, thanks a lot!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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