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Writing authentic English, any effective tips?

Hot 5681 views. 2015-8-22 16:21 | effective, English

    My English writings are too Chinglish (A friend told me), I don't know how to write or speak authentic English, which makes me feel frustrated. I have searched on line about how to write English well, and the answers are, keep reciting English articles or expressions, read more foreign magazines and newspapers, write more, etc. It seems those are the only ways to learn English well. 
    I also want to acquire more words and expressions, but I find that it's not easy for me to remember those new words, which we seldom use in Chinese environment. What's worse, my memory is not as good as the time when I was a student, it declines greatly. Maybe, I am not looking hard enough. There are so many trifles in our life, I just can't calm down or concentrate on a thing for a while. 
    Bad feeling. But, I have faith that I will not give up learning. Suggestions about how to write English well and how to make me not be distracted by anxiety are warmly welcome!


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Reply IMNONARCISSUS 2015-8-22 20:40
Languages are just tools of communicating  for most people. What does it matter to use Chingilsh?  By the way, it is better to  be abe to write the king's English
Reply teadrinking 2015-8-22 22:02
A language is the tool for us to communicate, as you mentioned that you just do not have the environment to use, so if you do not use that too much as frequently as we do in Chinese, you fail to make quick progess even if you try remembering words. The best way is to treat it as a good friend, when you think, and meet something, you might try to do it in English, to find out if there are some words you can express in English, if not, this is the chance that you can look up from a dictionary which is an efficient mothod to memorize them because this the moment that you are impressed well in the situation you meet.
Also, you can spend some time reading books or news, particuarly like magazines about The Economists, from which you can learnt many words, and what is the most important thing is that you can find skills to write better in a authentic manner.
Good luck.
Reply sunnyv 2015-8-23 01:12
Now who said your English is Chinglish? Don't listen to those unwarranted criticism. Perhaps they are trying to discourage for their own benefit. According to what you have written here, your English is not bad. Nor everyone can write like that and it is not easy either. Yes, there are some minor mistakes, but so what? All those mistakes would disappear when you write and read frequently. What is important is that you can write smoothly, the contents are clear and pleasant to read and you have got all that.

There is no shortcut or speed courses to learn English. You have to learn it slowly. Don't force yourself to remember new words. Just use it a few times and you would remember them. All those people who are good in English learn by writing and studying the replies of others. You are good enough and surely can be better. Keep writing.
Reply Ausfrank 2015-8-23 10:34
I think we all have some similar problems here except those who came from English speaking countries. Other than those people, I also spotted that Bluephoebe’s writings are truly exceptional. If I didn’t read her profile then I may think she came from foreign country. Maybe you can ask her how to improve English writings.
Reply carolyayayaya 2015-8-23 13:19
Ausfrank: I think we all have some similar problems here except those who came from English speaking countries. Other than those people, I also spotted that Blu ...
OK,thank you. I will try to find some advice from her.
Reply carolyayayaya 2015-8-23 15:36
sunnyv: Now who said your English is Chinglish? Don't listen to those unwarranted criticism. Perhaps they are trying to discourage for their own benefit. Acco ...
Thank you for saying so. You know that Yan Fu proposed a translation theory, that is, "faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance". Elegance is the pursuit of my life goal. Sometimes, reading my own writings, I will not be satisfied with those boring words and expressions I used. The writings seemed to be very rigid, plain, not novel at all. Anyway, to write English well, there is still a long way for me to go. But, I will never be disappointed by what others said, except accepting those helpful suggestions.
Reply carolyayayaya 2015-8-23 15:41
teadrinking: A language is the tool for us to communicate, as you mentioned that you just do not have the environment to use, so if you do not use that too much as ...
As a matter of fact, I use English very often in my work. I have to answer emails to those foreign customers and translate those documentations into English or Chinese. So, English, as a language, is not only a communication tool for me. I will try to learn it well. Thanks for the kind advice from you guys.
Reply lovingfun 2015-8-23 16:06
I guess that  you don't practise English too often. As for remeber new words, we shouldn't just remeber the spellings, the pronounciations. We should try to use it in a sentence, then we may remember them firmly, even if not fast as just remember.
I just treat Enlish as my hobbie, so I don't think sometimes Chinglish is a problem, only if others , especially foreign friends, can understand what we are saying.
Reply teadrinking 2015-8-23 20:58
carolyayayaya: As a matter of fact, I use English very often in my work. I have to answer emails to those foreign customers and translate those documentations into E ...
Just come on, what you need now is to make it better into another new level more than what we normally use.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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