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Say hi to my deer friend, how are you?

840 views. 2013-3-23 18:50 |

I am thinking to myself that whether I should ask my father to mail the laptop for me. 
I hate the school rules, which changes from time to time. Last semester, according to the school, we freshmen are prohibited to take the computer to the school and we won't be able to access to the Internet. So I am a good boy and a good student and I don't take the laptop with me, which will cause me greatly inconvenient. But I have heard from the school leaders that we are allowed to connect to the website. This practise really annoyed me not just because I don't take my pc with me but also they don't any notifications in the winter holidays.
So I feel a little sorry for the school, which have no firm rules, such as the forbading the students overwhelmingly engaged in the Internet, which from my perspectives is good for the students.
All right, screw it!

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Reply sunnyv 2013-3-23 19:20
It can be so annoying having those lame school administrators making senseless regulations. How can a college student work without computers these days? Computers are the main source of information for studies. They should be criticized.

Sending a laptop by courier of mail is too risky. There is no guarantee it would arrive or only the packet would arrive without the laptop. Better send it through somebody you can trust.
Reply Eukunland007 2013-4-28 14:41
sunnyv: It can be so annoying having those lame school administrators making senseless regulations. How can a college student work without computers these day ...
yea, I fully agree with what you said weeks ago, so right now I come  back with my newly bought laptop. So in the coming days, there is only one thing that I should be putting more efforts into. That is how to balance the time of studying and internet surfing.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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