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Hey guys, I come back with a laptop

Hot 2954 views. 2013-4-28 14:50 | laptop

It had been too complicated to post a blog without a blog as you have a carry a student ID card and go to the school computer room, worring about the safety of the account and something else. But right now here comes another problem, the time that you should be balance between the schooling and website skimming. I think dioenglish may help me a little more because it can limit the frequency that you post your blogs and miniblogs. Then I must have to come up with a schedule that can ensure my studying. But never mind, the question is not whether you should own a laptop but how to use a laptop in a better way. Since you have a laptop, you got a chance to learn to balance yourself and how to control yourself. Do you agree with me?

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Reply moli 2013-4-28 15:26
I have formed a habit of writng a blog in my file before posting it on DioEnglish.
Reply Eukunland007 2013-4-30 22:30
What is "my file"? I don't understand.
Reply start007 2013-5-1 18:30
moli just means you can write your blog in Microsoft word in advance. On one hand, word can help you correct your simple spelling mistakes because of the automatic check, on the other hand, you can adjust the format and fonts.
Reply Eukunland007 2013-5-3 21:32
start007: moli just means you can write your blog in Microsoft word in advance. On one hand, word can help you correct your simple spelling mistakes because of  ...
Oh, I see it. I am very sorry to answer you repliment so late but these days have been very busy. Thank you again!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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