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I just give up a chance to join the Communist Party of China.

Hot 31105 views. 2013-5-3 21:47 | Communist, Party, China

Just an hour age, I make a decision of give up the chance to become a member of the Communist Party of China.
For first of all, the procedure of becoming a party member is just too complicated. And I feel sick about these procedures, which I think makes no difference to the construction of the party. Besides, those who had become the member of the CPC are not qualified at all. So I would rather to do something that I am interestd in. Anyway, I am not a utilitarianism guy. Becoming a leader or becoming powerful should not take the precedence in my youth. 

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Reply Adolph 2013-5-4 00:40
I am sick about the procedure of becoming a Communist Party member. I submitted the application and took the class and tests. however I have no time to write the thought reports and take the talks, and a lot of other stuff. I quit.
Reply DioScofield 2013-5-4 10:40
Right, most of people take part in the CPC because of utilitarianism. They say one thing and do another. What a shame!
Reply Eukunland007 2013-5-4 22:37
DioScofield: Right, most of people take part in the CPC because of utilitarianism. They say one thing and do another. What a shame!
We share the same idea.
Reply Eukunland007 2013-5-4 22:38
Adolph: I am sick about the procedure of becoming a Communist Party member. I submitted the application and took the class and tests. however I have no time t ...
So I think you make a right choice.
Reply loong 2013-6-8 08:14
That why china had bad system. Bad civil right. Corruption.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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