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Something need to be improved

654 views. 2009-11-6 22:00 |

Something need to be improved for my job.It's my responsibility.

For sample meeting ,when listening to Designer's comments, I should be at a advantageous place to write everything down.Especially the key point.Although i concentrate my mind on it,i also miss something sometimes,i feel so sorry that i can't catch up everything with them as though i do my best to.So i need to improve my remembrance,i should make the record more and more quickly.I need to speed up efficiency for my job.

Refer to sample photo,i am short of skill,i don't master the just focus. I am so confused that i can't operate well.So this is the very important thing i need to improve. I should make every sample with pretty view.Sorry for my before poor skill.I do make a decision that i overcome it and i will do it better and better.

About translation,i also need to be more flexible.Make the boring words be short and sweet at most.Make my superior and other colleagues catch it as clear as possible.I need to improve my expression in English as soon as possible.There is no more chance waiting for me.Time waits no man.I should cherish it.Action speaks louder than words.So don't wait another time or look for excuse for myself.Be strict to it.

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Post comment Comment (5 replies)

Reply Samaritan 2009-11-6 22:19
Come on.
Reply Candy.liu 2009-11-6 22:32
Samaritan: Come on.
Yes,thank you.
Reply jimmy336688 2009-11-7 09:37
wish you can do it~~come on !!!
Reply Candy.liu 2009-11-7 10:55
jimmy336688: wish you can do it~~come on !!!
Thank you. I will do my best.
Reply moli 2009-11-9 11:06
You have been aware of something need to be improved.
Good for you!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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