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Get hold of yourself and you can

667 views. 2010-5-8 10:30 |Individual Classification:share|

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Figure it out for yourself.You've got all that the great have had:two arms,two legs,two hands,two eyes and a brain to use if you'd be wise.With this equipment they all began,so start for the top and say,"I can".

Look them over the wise and the great.They take their food from a common plate.With similar knives adn forks they use;with similar laces they ties their shoes.The world considers them brave and smart,but you know-you've got all they had,when they made their start.

You can be great if you only will.And the great people started their lives with no more than you.

You are the handicap you must face.You are the one who must choose your place.You must decide where you want to go and what you want to be.

The courage must come from the soul within;you must furnish the will to win.So figure it out for yourself.You were born with all the great have had.With your equipment they all began.Get hold of yourself and say"I can".

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Post comment Comment (3 replies)

Reply touringchina 2010-5-8 10:50
I anything the great being can.I am equivalent to the great,so is everyone.Remmember this?The song Everyone is NO.1.
Reply Candy.liu 2010-5-8 19:20
touringchina: I anything the great being can.I am equivalent to the great,so is everyone.Remmember this?The song Everyone is NO.1.
thanks for your words.
Reply lover5200 2010-5-8 21:49
I don't need to be the NO.1,I just want to be yourself

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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