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She is growing up.

Hot 3656 views. 2015-5-14 21:08 |Individual Classification:Growing| expression, growing, touch, false

She is growing up day by day. We can keep in touch by phone conversation nowadays. She said: Mom, have you been off duty, have you eaten rice, have you finished you shower, have you done…Something is not clear from her side, her language expression is still not fluent, but got much improvement, and keep on improving,  and I could guess what she wants to express by combining some far and few words. Some of what she said is no logic, but could be understood, simple and pure.

She is little chatter now. She will repeat something she’s interest in. And she repeats what her grandma said, sometimes her grandma is angry to say something on the little girl, but the little girl repeats it without hesitation, maybe she can’t understand fully, it makes her grandma have no idea whether to cry or laugh, nor do I.

When some neighbors asked her: where is your Dad and Mom, why they don’t accompany with you? She said: my Dad and Mom, go to work, outside, they earn money, to buy milk powder, for me. I was comforted when I heard some kinds of this conversation from her grandma, it touched me a lot.


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Post comment Comment (6 replies)

Reply Lizzieliu 2015-5-14 22:44
   it is a really interesting process while the child is learning to speak.
Reply Tange 2015-5-14 23:30
    now  you are the happy mother , i could seem it in your words
Reply sunnyv 2015-5-15 00:39
Haha... she is so cute. These are the days when she is most fun imitating adults. Kids this age imitates everything adult does. Soon she will imitate you doing housework like sweeping floors, wearing your shoes and walking around the house. Later she would become more active and naughty, so you would have a hard time supervising her. However, you need to ensure her safety as kids are unpredictable and they don't know danger. Having kids this age can be a lot of fun.
Reply Candy.liu 2015-5-15 19:55
Lizzieliu:    it is a really interesting process while the child is learning to speak.
Reply Candy.liu 2015-5-15 19:56
Tange:      now  you are the happy mother , i could seem it in your words
    Yeah, i move on.
Reply Candy.liu 2015-5-15 19:57
sunnyv: Haha... she is so cute. These are the days when she is most fun imitating adults. Kids this age imitates everything adult does. Soon she will imitate  ...
Thanks. She is really naughty now. But sometimes it's also funny.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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