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Does the house price still keep on rising?

Hot 4925 views. 2015-10-24 15:00 |Individual Classification:Life| eventually, colleagues, beginning, property, buying

One of my colleagues felt regret so much not buying a small property house in Shenzhen at the beginning of this year, he planned to buy but didn’t settle down eventually, until now the total price of the small property house where he planned to buy has been risen by more than 100 thousand for about 10 months. What a pity. He still wants to buy the house now, as he worries that the price will keep on rising and he couldn’t afford it finally. Somebody comforts him: this is the highest point in the house price. And others say the small property house is not safe because there is no legal protection. He is not sure just still couldn’t make a firm decision now. He wants to buy a small property house for his family to live, not for other purpose. And he never thought the commercial house as there is sky-high price in Shenzhen city, few people could afford it.

No one could imagine what will happen tomorrow, not to mention the house price.

Does the house price still keep on rising? It’s a problem.

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Reply IMNONARCISSUS 2015-10-24 17:18
At lease, the price won't  go down, for the government won't let it down.
Reply Tange 2015-10-24 17:56
i can not affort it ...
Reply Candy.liu 2015-10-24 19:12
Tange: i can not affort it ...
Before long, you will...
Reply Candy.liu 2015-10-24 19:18
IMNONARCISSUS: At lease, the price won't  go down, for the government won't let it down.
Really, maybe it will damage the owner's benefit...
Reply teadrinking 2015-10-24 19:49
It is a problem. Most people still can not afford it and feel hard to find a right place to settle down. The price is not sure if it is going to rise or not, even if it goes down, the range of price decline will not be very huge. So most people again still can not afford it.
Reply sunnyv 2015-10-24 21:36
OK. I tell you how to decide when to buy a home. The price of a home depends on the income of workers. You always need 100 Months salary to buy a house. If your salary is ¥5,000 then the correct value of your house should be ¥500,000. If salaries of people goes up, house value would go up too.

Buying a house is seldom wrong because cost of building would always go up and salary would not go down. Sometimes, we have to take risks. As you said, nobody know what is going to hit us tomorrow, so can't think too far and too much. Life is full of risks. Have house worry value drop. Don't have house worry rent go up. These are the realities of life.
Reply Candy.liu 2015-10-25 18:36
teadrinking: It is a problem. Most people still can not afford it and feel hard to find a right place to settle down. The price is not sure if it is going to rise  ...
Yes. The soaring price still meets the demand of small group of people. So the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. It's about wealth gap.
Reply Candy.liu 2015-10-25 18:39
sunnyv: OK. I tell you how to decide when to buy a home. The price of a home depends on the income of workers. You always need 100 Months salary to buy a hous ...
Thank you so much. Your comment is very useful.

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