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Law of the People's Republic of China on Wetland Protection



(Adopted at the 32nd Session of the Standing Committee of the 13th National People's Congress on December 24, 2021)



Table of Contents



Chapter I General Provisions

第二章  湿地资源管理

Chapter II Wetland Resource Management

第三章  湿地保护与利用

Chapter III Wetland Protection and Utilization

第四章  湿地修复

Chapter IV Wetland Restoration

第五章  监督检查

Chapter V Supervision and Inspection

第六章  法律责任

Chapter VI Legal Liabilities

第七章  附则

Chapter VII Supplementary Provisions



Chapter I  General Provisions   

第一条  为了加强湿地保护,维护湿地生态功能及生物多样性,保障生态安全,促进生态文明建设,实现人与自然和谐共生,制定本法。

Article 1 This Law is formulated in order to strengthen wetland protection, maintain ecological functions and biodiversity of wetlands, ensure ecological security, promote the establishment of ecological civilization, and realize the harmonious coexistence of man and nature.

第二条  在中华人民共和国领域及管辖的其他海域内从事湿地保护、利用、修复及相关管理活动,适用本法。

Article 2 This Law shall apply to wetland protection, utilization, restoration and other related management activities conducted within the territory of the People's Republic of China and other sea areas under its jurisdiction.


The term “wetlands” as mentioned in this Law refers to natural or artificial, year-round or seasonal ponding areas and water areas with significant ecological functions, including sea areas with a water depth of no more than six meters at low tide, but excludes paddy fields, artificial water areas and mud flats used for aquaculture. The state implements a hierarchical management and registration system for wetlands.


The activities for wetland protection, utilization and related management, covering rivers, lakes and sea areas, shall also be governed by the Water Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Flood Control, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Water Pollution Prevention and Control, and the Law of the People's Republic of China on Marine Environment Protection, the Law of the People's Republic of China on Yangtze River Protection, the Fishery Law of the People's Republic of China, the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Use of Sea Areas and other relevant laws.

  第三条  湿地保护应当坚持保护优先、严格管理、系统治理、科学修复、合理利用的原则,发挥湿地涵养水源、调节气候、改善环境、维护生物多样性等多种生态功能。

Article 3 The protection of wetlands shall uphold the principles of prioritizing protection, strict management, systematic governance, scientific restoration and rational utilization, and give play to various ecological functions of wetlands, such as water conservation, climate regulation, environmental improvement, and biodiversity conservation.

第四条  县级以上人民政府应当将湿地保护纳入国民经济和社会发展规划,并将开展湿地保护工作所需经费按照事权划分原则列入预算。

Article 4 The people's governments at or above the county level shall incorporate wetland protection into their economic and social development plans, and include the funds required for wetland protection into their budgets based on their allocated governance power.


The people's government at or above the county level shall be responsible for wetland protection within their respective jurisdictional regions, and shall take measures to maintain the wetland area and to enhance the ecological functions of the wetlands.


People's governments at township level shall organize the public to do a good job in wetland protection, and the villagers committee shall provide assistance.

第五条  国务院林业草原主管部门负责湿地资源的监督管理,负责湿地保护规划和相关国家标准拟定、湿地开发利用的监督管理、湿地生态保护修复工作。国务院自然资源、水行政、住房城乡建设、生态环境、农业农村等其他有关部门,按照职责分工承担湿地保护、修复、管理有关工作。

Article 5 The competent department of forestry and grassland under the State Council shall be responsible for the supervision and management of wetland resources, for the formulation of wetland protection planning and relevant national standards, for the supervision and management of wetland development and utilization, and for the protection and restoration of wetland ecology. The competent departments of natural resources, water administration, housing and urban-rural construction, ecology and environment, agriculture and rural affairs and other sectors under the State Council shall conduct the work related to wetland protection, restoration and management according to their respective responsibilities.


The competent department of forestry and grassland under the State Council shall, together with the competent departments of natural resources, water administration, housing and urban-rural development, ecology and environment, agriculture and rural affairs and other related departments under the State Council, establish mechanisms for the collaboration and information reporting relevant to wetland protection.

第六条  县级以上地方人民政府应当加强湿地保护协调工作。县级以上地方人民政府有关部门按照职责分工负责湿地保护、修复、管理有关工作。

Article 6 The people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the coordination for wetland protection. The relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for the protection, restoration and management of wetlands according to their respective responsibilities.

第七条  各级人民政府应当加强湿地保护宣传教育和科学知识普及工作,通过湿地保护日、湿地保护宣传周等开展宣传教育活动,增强全社会湿地保护意识;鼓励基层群众性自治组织、社会组织、志愿者开展湿地保护法律法规和湿地保护知识宣传活动,营造保护湿地的良好氛围。

Article 7 The people's governments at all levels shall strengthen the publicity and education and the popularization of scientific knowledge on wetland protection, and carry out publicity and education activities through Wetland Protection Day, Wetland Protection Publicity Week, etc., to arouse the public awareness for wetland protection; encourage grass-roots self-governing mass organizations and social organizations and volunteers to carry out publicity activities on wetland protection law and regulations and wetland protection knowledge to create a good atmosphere for wetland protection.


The competent education authorities and schools should stress the students' awareness of wetland protection in education and teaching activities.


The news media should carry out non-profit publicity of wetland protection law and regulations and wetland protection knowledge, and conduct supervision through public opinion on misbehaviors in wetland destruction.

第八条  国家鼓励单位和个人依法通过捐赠、资助、志愿服务等方式参与湿地保护活动。

Article 8 The state encourages entities and individuals to participate in wetland protection activities through donations, funding, and volunteer services in accordance with law.


Entities and individuals who have made outstanding achievements in wetland protection shall be commended and rewarded in accordance with relevant state regulations.


Article 9 The state supports research, development and application promotion of wetland protection science and technology, strengthens the training of professional and technical personnel on wetland protection, and improves the level of science and technology in wetland protection.

  第十条  国家支持开展湿地保护科学技术、生物多样性、候鸟迁徙等方面的国际合作与交流。

Article 10 The state supports international cooperation and exchange in the fields of wetland conservation science and technology, biodiversity, migration of migratory birds and other related fields.


Article 11 All entities or individuals shall have the obligations to protect wetlands, and have the right to report or implead those who do damage to wetlands. The authorities that receive the report or impleading shall deal with them in a timely manner, and protect the legitimate rights and interests of the reporter and impleader in accordance with law.


第二章  湿地资源管理

Chapter II Wetland Resources Management


第十二条  国家建立湿地资源调查评价制度。

Article 12 The state shall establish a system for wetland resource survey and evaluation.


The competent department of natural resources under the State Council shall, together with the relevant departments of forestry and grassland of the State Council, conduct regular survey and evaluation of wetland resources of the country, conduct survey on type, distribution, area, biodiversity, protection and utilization of wetlands, and establish a unified mechanism for information release and sharing.

  第十三条  国家实行湿地面积总量管控制度,将湿地面积总量管控目标纳入湿地保护目标责任制。

Article 13 The state shall implement the system for managing and controlling the total amount of wetland area, and incorporate the management and control goals into the target responsibility system for wetland protection.


The competent department of forestry and grassland and natural resources of the State Council shall, in conjunction with relevant departments of the State Council, determine the national-level and provincial-level management and control goals based on the national wetland resource status, natural changes, and total wetland area control requirements, and report to the State Council for approval. Local people's governments at all levels shall take effective measures to fulfill the requirements of the management and control goals for total amount of wetland area.


Article 14 The state shall manage wetlands hierarchically, and classify wetlands into important wetlands and general wetlands according to their ecological location, area, and importance in maintaining ecological functions and conserving biodiversity. Important wetlands include wetlands of national importance and wetlands of provincial importance, and the wetlands that are not classified as important wetlands are general wetlands. Important wetlands are legally demarcated within the ecological protection red line.


The competent department of forestry and grassland under the State Council, in conjunction with the relevant departments of natural resources, water administration, housing and urban-rural development, ecology and environment, agriculture and rural affairs, etc., publish the list and scope of wetlands of national important, and set up protection signs. Wetlands of international importance should be included in the list of wetlands of national importance.


The people's governments at provincial level or their authorized departments are responsible for issuing the list and scope of provincially important wetlands, and put on file to the competent department of forestry and grassland under the State Council.


The list and scope of general wetlands shall be issued by the local people's governments at or above the county level or their authorized departments.

  第十五条  国务院林业草原主管部门应当会同国务院有关部门,依据国民经济和社会发展规划、国土空间规划和生态环境保护规划编制全国湿地保护规划,报国务院或者其授权的部门批准后组织实施。

Article 15 The competent department of forestry and grassland under the State Council shall, in conjunction with the relevant departments of the State Council, formulate a national wetland protection plan in accordance with the national economic and social development plan, land and space plan, and environmental protection plan, and organize the implementation of the national wetland protection plan after reporting the plan to the State Council or its authorized department for approval.


The competent departments of forestry and grassland of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall, in conjunction with relevant departments, formulate the wetland protection plan within their jurisdictional regions in accordance with the land space plan at the same level and the wetland protection plan at the next higher level, and organize the implementation of the plan after reporting it to the people's government at the same level for approval.


The wetland protection plan shall specify such issues as the objectives and tasks of wetland protection, the overall layout, the focus of protection and restoration, and the safeguard measures. If the approved wetland protection plan needs to be adjusted, it shall be processed in accordance with the previous approval procedure.


The wetland protection plan shall be prepared and coordinated with the comprehensive river basin plan, flood control plan and other plans.


Article 16 The competent departments of forestry and grassland, and standardization of the State Council shall, in conjunction with the competent departments of natural resources, water administration, housing and urban-rural development, ecology and environment, agriculture and rural affairs of the State Council, organize the formulation of national standards for wetland classification, monitoring and early warning, ecological restoration and other issues. Local standards can be formulated for the issues that are not covered in national standards and put on file at the next higher level in accordance with law.

  第十七条  县级以上人民政府林业草原主管部门建立湿地保护专家咨询机制,为编制湿地保护规划、制定湿地名录、制定相关标准等提供评估论证等服务。

Article 17 The competent forestry and grassland departments of the people's governments at or above the county level shall establish an expert consultation mechanism for wetland protection, and provide such services as evaluation and demonstration for preparing wetland protection plans, wetland lists, and relevant standards.

  第十八条  办理自然资源权属登记涉及湿地的,应当按照规定记载湿地的地理坐标、空间范围、类型、面积等信息。

Article 18 Where wetlands are involved in the registration of natural resource ownership, the geographic coordinates, spatial scope, type, area and other information of the wetlands shall be recorded in accordance with regulations.

  第十九条  国家严格控制占用湿地。

Article 19 The state strictly controls the occupation of wetlands.


The occupation of nationally important wetlands is prohibited, except for major national projects, projects for disaster prevention and mitigation, important water conservancy and protection facilities projects, and wetland protection projects.


When the site and route of construction projects are determined, wetlands shall be dodged; and if it cannot be dodged, the occupation should be minimized, and necessary measures should be taken to reduce the adverse impact on the ecological functions of wetlands.


When examining and endorsing or approving the selected site and route of a construction project, if it involves wetlands of national importance, the opinion shall be solicited from the competent department of forestry and grassland under the State Council; if it involves wetlands of provincial importance or general wetlands, the departments mandated by local people's governments at or above the county level shall be consulted for their opinion in accordance with the administrative authority.


Article 20 If a construction project does need to occupy wetlands temporarily, it shall comply with the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China, the Water Law of the People's Republic of China, the Forestry Law of the People's Republic of China, the Grassland Law of the People's Republic of China, and the Law of the People's Republic of China on the Administration of the Use of Sea Areas and other relevant laws and regulations. Generally, the period of temporary occupation of wetlands shall not exceed two years, and permanent structures shall not be constructed on the temporarily occupied wetlands.


The land-using entities or individuals shall restore the wetland area and ecological conditions within one year after the period of temporary wetland occupation expires.



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