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Article 21 Except for the wetlands in the river management area and in the flood storage and detention areas are occupied for flood control, waterway, port or other water projects, the entity that has been approved to occupy important wetlands shall restore or rebuild ​​the occupied wetlands according to the local natural conditions with the area and quality equivalent to that of the occupied area. If there is no condition for restoration and reconstruction, the entity shall pay the wetland restoration fee. If the wetland restoration fee is paid, no other restoration fee will be paid for the same purpose.


The administrative measures for the payment and use of wetland restoration fee shall be formulated by the competent department of finance under the State Council in conjunction with relevant competent departments under the State Council, such as the competent department of forestry and grassland.

  第二十二条  国务院林业草原主管部门应当按照监测技术规范开展国家重要湿地动态监测,及时掌握湿地分布、面积、水量、生物多样性、受威胁状况等变化信息。

Article 22 The competent department of forestry and grassland under the State Council shall carry out dynamic monitoring of nationally important wetlands in accordance with monitoring specifications, and timely update the information on changes in wetland distribution, area, water volume, biodiversity and its endangered status.


The competent department of forestry and grassland under the State Council shall assess the ecological status of nationally important wetlands based on monitoring data, and issue early warning information in accordance with regulations.


The competent forestry and grassland departments of the provincial-level people's governments shall carry out dynamic monitoring, assessment and early warning of provincially important wetlands in accordance with monitoring specifications.


The competent forestry and grassland departments of the local people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the dynamic monitoring of general wetlands.


第三章  湿地保护与利用

Chapter 3 Wetland Protection and Utilization



Article 23 The state upholds eco-priority and green development, improves the wetland protection mechanisms, refines the mechanisms for wetland protection support policy and science and technology, guarantees the ecological function and sustainable use of wetlands, and synergizes ecological, social and economic benefits.


Article 24 The people's governments at or above the provincial levels and their relevant departments shall, based on the wetland protection plan and wetland protection requirements, incorporate wetlands into their national parks, nature reserves or natural parks in accordance with law.

  第二十五条  地方各级人民政府及其有关部门应当采取措施,预防和控制人为活动对湿地及其生物多样性的不利影响,加强湿地污染防治,减缓人为因素和自然因素导致的湿地退化,维护湿地生态功能稳定。

Article 25 Local people's governments at all levels and their relevant departments shall take measures to prevent and control the adverse effects of human activities on wetlands and their biodiversity, intensify the prevention and control of wetland pollution, mitigate the degradation of wetlands caused by human and natural factors, and maintain the stability of ecological functions of wetlands.


Those engaged in tourism, planting, animal husbandry, aquaculture, shipping and other utilization activities within the wetlands should avoid changing the natural conditions of the wetlands, and take measures to reduce the adverse impact on the ecological function of wetlands.


When the relevant departments of the people's governments at or above the county level handle relevant administrative licenses for environmental impact assessment, national land and space planning, sea area use, aquaculture, and flood prevention and control, they shall strengthen the examination of the necessity and rationality of the wetland utilization activities and the wetland protection measures.

  第二十六条  地方各级人民政府对省级重要湿地和一般湿地利用活动进行分类指导,鼓励单位和个人开展符合湿地保护要求的生态旅游、生态农业、生态教育、自然体验等活动,适度控制种植养殖等湿地利用规模。

Article 26 The local people's governments at all levels shall provide targeted guidance on the use of provincially important wetlands and general wetlands, and encourage entities and individuals to undertake activities such as eco-tourism, eco-agriculture, ecological education, and natural experience that meet the requirements for wetland protection. The scale of wetland utilization for such purposes as planting and breeding shall be controlled appropriately.


Local people's governments at all levels shall encourage relevant entities to provide more employment opportunities to local residents in wetland management and protection.

  第二十七条  县级以上地方人民政府应当充分考虑保障重要湿地生态功能的需要,优化重要湿地周边产业布局。

Article 27 The local people's governments at or above the county level shall fully take into account the need to ensure the ecological functions of important wetlands, and optimize the industry layout around important wetlands.


The local people's governments at or above the county level can adopt measures, such as targeted support, industrial transfer, attracting social funds, and community co-construction, to promote the green development of the areas around wetlands, and promote the synergy of economic development and wetland conservation.

  第二十八条  禁止下列破坏湿地及其生态功能的行为:

Article 28 The following acts that damage wetlands and their ecological functions are prohibited:


1. Reclaiming (encircling) and draining natural wetlands, and permanently cutting off the water sources of natural wetlands;


2. Landfilling natural wetlands without authorization, extravating sand, mining mineral ores and collecting soil without authorization;


3. Discharging industrial waste water and domestic sewage that do not meet the discharge standards for water pollutants, and other waste water and sewage that pollute wetlands; and dumping, piling, discarding, or scattering solid wastes;


4. Over-grazing or over-harvesting of wild plants, over-fishing or extinction-style fishing, over application of fertilization, pesticide, and bait, and other planting and breeding practices that may pollute wetlands;


5. Other acts that damage wetlands and their ecological functions.

  第二十九条 县级以上人民政府有关部门应当按照职责分工,开展湿地有害生物监测工作,及时采取有效措施预防、控制、消除有害生物对湿地生态系统的危害。

Article 29 The relevant departments of the people's government at or above the county level shall, based on their respective responsibilities, carry out the monitoring of harmful organisms in wetlands, and take effective measures to prevent, control and eliminate the harm of these organisms to the wetland ecosystem in a timely manner.

  第三十条  县级以上人民政府应当加强对国家重点保护野生动植物集中分布湿地的保护。任何单位和个人不得破坏鸟类和水生生物的生存环境。

Article 30 The people's governments at or above the county level shall strengthen the protection of the wetlands where wild animals and plants protected under national policy are distributed with a larger amount. No entity or individual may damage the living environment of birds and aquatic organisms.


In nature reserves and other important habitats where waterfowl is targeted as protection objects, it is prohibited to engage in activities that harm the survival and reproduction of waterfowl, including fishing, digging and catching benthic organisms, collecting bird eggs, and destroying bird nests. When bird watching, scientific research and science popularization activities are conducted, a safe distance should be kept, so as to avoid affecting the routine foraging and reproduction of birds.


Protective measures should be taken in important habitats of important aquatic organisms, such as spawning grounds, feeding grounds, overwintering places and migratory passages. If the construction of sluices or dams in the migratory passages has been approved according to law, which may have an adverse impact on the migration of aquatic organisms, the construction entity shall build facilities for fish passage or take other remedial measures.


The introduction and release of alien species into wetlands is prohibited, and if the introduction really needs to be conducted, it shall be subject to scientific evaluation and approval in accordance with law.

  第三十一条  国务院水行政主管部门和地方各级人民政府应当加强对河流、湖泊范围内湿地的管理和保护,因地制宜采取水系连通、清淤疏浚、水源涵养与水土保持等治理修复措施,严格控制河流源头和蓄滞洪区、水土流失严重区等区域的湿地开发利用活动,减轻对湿地及其生物多样性的不利影响。

Article 31 The water administrative department of the State Council and local people's governments at all levels shall strengthen the management and protection of wetlands within the scope of river and lake basins, and take measures to manage and restore wetlands according to local conditions, including water system linking, dredging, water source conservation, and soil conservation; shall control the development and utilization of wetlands in such areas as river headwaters, flood storage and detention areas, and areas with severe soil erosion, so as to reduce adverse impact on wetlands and their biodiversity.

  第三十二条  国务院自然资源主管部门和沿海地方各级人民政府应当加强对滨海湿地的管理和保护,严格管控围填滨海湿地。经依法批准的项目,应当同步实施生态保护修复,减轻对滨海湿地生态功能的不利影响。

Article 32 The competent department of natural resources under the State Council and the people's governments of coastal regions at all levels shall strengthen the management and protection of coastal wetlands, and strictly control the reclamation of coastal wetlands. For projects approved according to law, ecological protection and restoration shall be implemented simultaneously to reduce the adverse impact on the ecological functions of coastal wetlands.

  第三十三条  国务院住房城乡建设主管部门和地方各级人民政府应当加强对城市湿地的管理和保护,采取城市水系治理和生态修复等措施,提升城市湿地生态质量,发挥城市湿地雨洪调蓄、净化水质、休闲游憩、科普教育等功能。

Article 33 The competent department of housing and urban-rural development under the State Council and local people's governments at all levels shall strengthen the management and protection of urban wetlands, take measures such as urban water system management and ecological restoration, improve the ecological quality of urban wetlands, and give full play to the regulation and storage function of rainwater in urban wetlands, water purification, recreation, science popularization education and other functions.

  第三十四条  红树林湿地所在地县级以上地方人民政府应当组织编制红树林湿地保护专项规划,采取有效措施保护红树林湿地。

Article 34 The local people's governments at or above the county level where the mangrove wetlands are located shall organize the preparation of special plans for the protection of mangrove wetlands, and take effective measures to protect the mangrove wetlands.


Mangrove wetlands should be included in the list of important wetlands; those that meet the standards of nationally important wetlands should be given priority to be included in the list of nationally important wetlands.


The occupation of mangrove wetlands is prohibited. If it is indeed necessary to occupy them due to major national projects, disaster prevention and mitigation and other purposes after it has been assessed by the relevant departments of the people's government at or above the provincial level, the occupation shall be handled in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, and the protection and restoration shall well implemented. If the relevant construction projects change the hydrological regime of the estuary where the mangroves are located and have a greater impact on the growth of the mangroves, effective measures shall be taken to mitigate the adverse effects.


It is prohibited to dig ponds in mangrove wetlands, and it is forbidden to log, excavate, transplant mangroves or over-harvest mangrove seeds, and it is forbidden to introduce and plant species that may endanger the growth of mangroves. Where felling, digging, transplanting and collecting are required for scientific research, medicine or mangrove wetland protection and other activities, relevant laws and regulations shall be followed.


Article 35 In the regions where the peat swamp wetlands are located, the local people's government at or above the county level shall prepare special plans for the protection of peat swamp wetlands, and take effective measures to protect these peat swamp wetlands.


If these peat swamp wetlands meet the criteria for important wetlands, they shall be included in the list of important wetlands.


It is prohibited to collect peat in peat swamp wetlands or to take groundwater without authorization; and it is prohibited to discharge the stored water in peat swamp wetlands to the outside, except for the needs of disaster prevention and mitigation.

  第三十六条  国家建立湿地生态保护补偿制度。

Article 36 The state shall establish a compensation system for wetland ecological protection.


The State Council and provincial people's governments should increase financial input in the protection of important wetlands in accordance with their respective administrative power, and increase financial transfer payments to the areas where important wetlands are located.


The state encourages the people's governments in wetland ecological protection areas and those in beneficiary wetland ecological areas to conduct inter-regional ecological protection compensation through negotiation or market mechanisms.


If the legitimate rights and interests of wetland owners or users are damaged due to the needs of ecological protection and other public interests, the people's government at or above the county level shall make compensation.

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facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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