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All chinese haze weather(雾霾天气)

Hot 21684 views. 2014-10-19 21:46 | weather, 天气

   In the past decades,China's industry has developed rapidly.A large number of industrial coal and over exploitation of resources, causing China's environment worsen sharply.Water pollution,deforestation森林砍伐,industrial emissions are serious social problem. But now,air pollution has become the top killer of people's health. In recent years,the haze weather(雾霾天气) is the hot topic of society.People saying"the haze weather becomes a 'special' scenery in Beijing".

    The haze weather,refers to PM2.5 reachs a certain concentration(浓度) in the atmosphere.Tiny particles(颗粒) got to the lungs by breathing,causing serious damage of lung organs. In Beijing and other first-tier cities(一线城市)some mouths of the year.the haze weather could last more than 20 days.This is awful,isn't it?

    In Wuhan,where I'm living,someday the air pollution index(空气污染指数) reached more than 400the weather department issued red warning.The air was so turbidity(浑浊) that it looked like yellow smoke spreading in the sky.All my friends would criticized on the air in the QQ space or micro-blog circle of friend.

    With the continuous  development of economy,there is a relatively possibility that environment will be even worse.And huge population will bring great challenges for environment governance.Will we face a haze weather tomorrow again and again?who can save our lungs?

    I hope there will be a better tomorrow as soon as possible.

Post comment Comment (4 replies)

Reply Lisa-ideal 2014-10-20 10:40
I can't agree you more. I live in Harbin, and now its the time to supply heating.The haze wether is horrible. I have a sore throat now.
Reply kuin 2014-10-20 11:54
Lisa-ideal: I can't agree you more. I live in Harbin, and now its the time to supply heating.The haze wether is horrible. I have a sore throat now.
Wear a mask to protect your lung.Today I go outside,the air condition of Wuhan is terrible too.
Reply Horea 2014-10-20 12:09
Yeah, the air quality is suck. Most of time I stay at school, it's located in a mount the air here is better than outside.
Reply kuin 2014-10-20 13:07
Horea: Yeah, the air quality is suck. Most of time I stay at school, it's located in a mount the air here is better than outside.
Yeah. now I  feel that the days staying in the school are so comfortable!

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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