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Weather older children shoud take care of young children or not

Hot 4983 views. 2015-12-20 14:21 | children, Weather

       Forty years ago in China, due to the poor conditions, while parents were too busy to care about the family, other children needed to do a lot of things, including taking care of their younger siblings. Quite differently, nowadays, since the living conditions becomes much better, the older children are reluctant to do this anymore. Consequently, however, they lose a chance to get such experience, which will help them a lot. Hence, from my perspective, older brothers should take the responsibility to attend to the younger children.

Admittedly, some people would consider it as parents’ responsibility to take care of children. In their mind, children would be mature enough to handle various emergency, such as health problems, financial issues. Parents have gone through various challenges, so they are capable of helping children in curing the disease by looking for the best doctors or collecting money to crack their financial burdens. However, on balance, parents in modern society would be too busy to spare time to take care of their children. It is no rare to see parents work overtime during weekdays; when they come home, their children have already fallen asleep, leaving them mere time to communicate, let alone giving care. In this way, asking older children to take care of younger children would be a better choice.

To begin with, older children would be capable of dealing with younger children’s problems both from school and life. That is to say, siblings are wiling to share things with each other. For example, when Jason is at his 10th grade in junior high school, he suffered from problems in his maths class. He could not understand what the professor explains in class, which makes him fail nearly all the quizzes through the semester. After he tells his brother, Alex, Alex helps him review the maths homework every evening and explain the point that has puzzled him over and over till he could fully understand. Alex even look up for some tutorial materials where Jason could use to strengthen the impression about his homework. As a result, thanks to his brother, Jason could catch up with other classmates in maths and even get a B plus in his final.

In addition, this can reinforce the relationship between siblings. As is known to all, many families are confronted with a problem that children are not in harmony with each other. For example, a classmate of mine in high school always fought with his brother often due to some tiny issues. This phenomenon results from the fact that present children are more selfish than before. They are reluctant to share. Nevertheless, suppose the older children offer to take care of their younger brothers, the younger one will in turn, be grateful for that. Therefore, the relationship between siblings can be strengthened.

In sum, taking all advantages into consideration, older children are supposed to help parents look after the younger one. By doing so, not only parents, but also the kids will enjoy the benefits arising from it.

Post comment Comment (4 replies)

Reply IMNONARCISSUS 2015-12-20 21:40
Yes. Older children should look after their siblings, and it benefits them a lot. The problem is that most Chinese families have only one child. With the only child, it is necessary for parents to pay more attention to their children's education to remedy the defect.
Reply sunnyv 2015-12-21 00:21
Years ago, not only we have to take care of our younger siblings, we also have to wear the clothes or our elders siblings and use their schoolbags and books. I remember my elder sister took me to school everyday. She had to cook and prepare food while mother went to the market. Actually, this is a good rule or tradition because it trains us to have responsibility. However, children won't do those things nowadays. They can't even take care of themselves. All parents should train their children to do some housework, otherwise they would be dependent on parents for everything.
Reply lovingfun 2015-12-21 17:24
As some reasons, I do think older children look after their young brothers or sisters is necessary. For they will learn take duty, be responsiblle for those who they must do so. Then in  society, they will easily accept by others, for they are very considerable. Moreover, this the pass of good morals. That make us believing a bright future.
Reply Catherine陈 2015-12-22 12:06
It reminded me of the past when my elder sisters had to wash clothes ,do housework and help the younger ones have baths .Sometimes in order to finish the tasks earlier , they would "wash" us before the sunset  carelessly .We younger ones had to listen to elder sisters and did some simple tasks.  Sometimes Mum would say to us before going to work ,"Don't quarrell with eath other .Never fight . Otherwise , others will laugh at us .Be good at home. I will bing you some candies ." Someitmes,when we younger ones were too naughty ,Mum would pretend to say to  my eldest sister loudly ,"Go and and fetch me the broom .It seems that someone's butt needs a beat . " At this time , we would say ,"Go ahead .Be quick ." At the this time ,everyone would laugh .

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