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Finding happiness.

Hot 1792 views. 2015-12-24 17:01 | happiness

         we hope we hava a better health than other people for living a long time.We wish some day we can live with our kids eventually,and we alway want to avoid meeting a disaster,a landslide,a tornado,and so on.In fact,we cannot predict what will happed  tomorrow.Some would like select living a happy mood everyday,most of us cannot console ourself to think of how to live happyly because we are populace,we can feel what is sadness,what is miserable,what is happiness.
       There are many ways to find happiness,such as finding a satificated job,playing with our kids in the house or park,companing with our parents and taking care of them,even achieving our wishness.Happiness is around us everyday only if we find out it.The key is to make us calm down,release the rage,or far away the quarrel.In my view,happiness stems from our heart.I know true happiness is difficult to find because we are human being.we can feel different motion.There are many  joy and pain in our life.

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Reply teadrinking 2015-12-24 20:19
We can not foresee the future, so we  have to be grateful to be alive at the present. Happiness could be at any time only if we can seize the every second we spend. Make full use of time and to be thankful to people around us.
Reply morlly 2015-12-29 17:14
teadrinking: We can not foresee the future, so we  have to be grateful to be alive at the present. Happiness could be at any time only if we can seize the every se ...
Getting Happiness isnot simple thing.we hope we are happy everyday and all of us know happiness is from our heart and physical.some thinks it is happiness to earn more and more money,possess  abundant furtune,living the last time with our relatives.But i think having a good health is happiness,because we can live a long time with our lover.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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