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Find a way to release my angry and make me pease

Hot 11221 views. 2019-8-10 19:17

There are many things which cannot make ours happy ,especaily the thing is our goal that we gave up because of thinking it so much difficut.But maybe when you calm down ,you will regret that decision,considering this action is wrong.So,you will feel terrible mood .it seems the sky is grey,and everrthing is bad.AS a human,we have complicated emotion,which always puzzle us.We should find a good way to release our bad mood so that we can make ours pease.

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Reply teadrinking 2019-8-11 09:38
Sometimes, we more or less face problems and feel down. That moment we shall take a break. There are many ways to keep peaceful. One of the most effective methods is doing exercise. At least, it works on me. I'd like running around and after sweating, I feel great. There are also some other ways to release. Readking a book, watching a  comedy movie, having nice food, ectc., any of them is all right as long as it makes your happy or less stressed.
Reply morlly 2019-8-12 11:04
thanks for  your help.what you do when you fall into a trouble is a good way to become peace by yourself.In fact ,every one have idea about releasing a bad mood.but  it donot appropriate for every person.we should look for a mathod to overlook the terrible things,which works on me.

facelist doodle 涂鸦板

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